Trigger Report Results

The trigger reports shows the triggers configure for the selected administrative object.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:

See Also
Generating a Trigger Report
Trigger Parameters Report


Column Name Description
Sequence Number If multiple triggers are configured for the same action, the sequence indicates the order in which the triggers will be executed.
Policy State Displays only on reports for Policy administrative objects. Shows the policy state for which the trigger is configured.
Name The name of the trigger.
TypeShows the type of trigger: Check, Action, or Override
Parameter Name (Input)Shows the name of the eService Trigger Program Parameters object. Click the name to view the details about that object.
InheritedDisplays only for Type administrative objects. Shows Yes if the trigger is inherited from a parent type; shows No if the trigger is installed for this object and not inherited from another object.
RevisionRevision level of the trigger.
StateThe state of the trigger: Inactive or Active.
Program NameName of the program called from the trigger object as entered in the eService Program Name attribute of the configured eService Trigger Program Parameters object.
Method NameName of the method within the above program as entered in the eService Method Name attribute of the configured eService Trigger Program Parameters object.
PurposeDescribes what the trigger does.

Actions/Toolbar Commands

New SearchGenerates a report on a different object.