Register Administrative Objects
To open the
Property Registration dialog box:
- From the compass, select Social and Collaborative Apps .
- In the list of apps, click Collaboration and Approvals.
- In the navigation pane, click Utilities > Property Registration > Admin Type.
From the Admin Type list, choose the
needed type of administrative object.
For example, to add a type called SubType, choose type from the Admin Type list.
If you register a custom table, you also need to register any custom attributes used in that table.
From the
Un-Registered Admins list, choose the needed
Do not register schema that you anticipate to be in an upcoming release without explicit permission from Engineering. They must provide you with the registration information for the app and version properties. If you have not received instructions from Engineering, do not enter "ENOVIAEngineering" for the installer property in any schema that you register.
Enter values for the properties as needed. If you are using
Collaboration and Approvals's
convention for symbolic names, use the format [administrative type]_[object
name with no spaces].
- When entering the version number, use dashes as separators,
not periods.
Correct: 10-6-0-1
The version specified must be a valid SchemaInstaller version. You can find the list of valid schema versions in the AppInfo.rul files in this directory:
- When entering symbolic names for custom administrative objects, do not use the exact same naming convention as Collaboration and Approvals uses unless you are working closely with Engineering BOM Management. You can use a slight variation of the naming convention, such as adding an abbreviation for your company's name. For example, instead of type_Part, a company with the abbreviation ACM could add type_ACMPart.
- When entering the version number, use dashes as separators,
not periods.
Click Create Registration.
The properties are saved and the object is moved to the Registered Admins list.
- Before using the administrative object, especially a store, within an app, restart the app server.