Application Properties

These properties configure applications.

If you want to change the default values, enter your changes in the page object. For more information, see Editing Properties Using MQL.

See Also
Context-Sensitive Help Properties
Property Name Property Description Valid Values
eServiceSuites.DisplayedSuitesDefines the apps to load and identify app property files and string resource files at startup. The property value uses this format:

where <SUITENAME> is the app name.

Comma-separated list of apps
eServiceSuite<SUITENAME>.DirectoryDefines the name of the directory in Apps/enovia/<VERSION>/ where files for the app indicated by <SUITENAME> are stored. The eServiceSuite<SUITE_NAME> must be defined in the eServiceSuites.DisplayedSuites property. Directory name
eService<SUITENAME>.ApplicationPropertyFileDefines the name of the property file for the app, where <SUITENAME> is the name of the app.

All properties files are located in the ENOVIA_INSTALL/properties directory.

File name with the *.properties extension
eService<SUITENAME>.ApplicationStartPageDefines the page to display when the app is invoked (other than selecting from the Compass), where <SUITENAME> is the name of the app.

This page must be within the directory specified in the Directory property for the app.

JSP name
eServiceSuite<SUITENAME>.Roles Defines the roles used in the app. For example:
Comma-separated list of the of the symbolic names of roles
emxFramework.<DECAGRAM>.HomePageThe command to load a specific page when a user selects the app from the Compass or when the appName URL parameter is included when loading emxNavigator.jsp. If the app does not have a home page defined, the default PowerView page opens.

The <DECAGRAM> is the official license code for the product.

For example: emxFramework.LBC.HomePage=LBCLibrariesMyDesk

Command name