File Access and File Checkin/Checkout Properties

These properties configure file access and file checkin/checkout. lets you define quick file access. lets you define properties for checking in files.

This page discusses:

If you want to change the default values, enter your changes in the page object. For more information, see Editing Properties Using MQL.

Property Name Property Description Valid Values
emxFramework.QuickFileAccess.Relationships.DefaultDefines expressions that determine the relationships and directions used to populate the list of files for quick file access.

If a table or structure browser contains a column type of File (displays the icon) and does not provide a relationship filter, this property defines the relationship to use to locate files checked into objects connected to the object. If the table or structure browser column definition includes a relationship filter, this property is not used.

Use symbolic names for all relationships.

For example: from[relationship_ReferenceDocument], to[relationship_ReferenceDocument]

Comma-separated list of expressions
emxFramework.ServerTimeOutInSecSets the file checkin/checkout timeout length in seconds.

If files do not complete the upload or download within that number of seconds, the process times out.

Positive integer

If you want to change the default values, enter your changes in the page object. For more information, see Editing Properties Using MQL.

Property Name Property Description Valid Values
emxComponents.PoliciesListDefines the policies users can choose from when checking in a file. Symbolic name of any policy that supports files. Comma-separated list of symbolic names of policies.
emxComponents.MultiFileUpload.NoOfFilesDefines the number of files users can specify when checking in files.Positive integer.
emxComponents.DocumentNameDelimiterDefines the delimiter used in the document name. The default delimiter is the hyphen (-).A single character.