Task Approval Properties

These properties configure passwords and approvals.

If you want to change the default values, enter your changes in the emxSystem.properties page object. For more information, see Editing Properties Using MQL.

Important: This app uses electronic signatures to provide an audit trail for certain approvals, as is often required in highly-regulated industries. You cannot delete or modify the personal data contained in the electronic signatures. You should carefully review your use cases associated with electronic signatures to ensure that the specific business requirements associated with them are being met, while still adhering to good personal data management practices.

For more information, see Configuring Electronic Signatures For Tasks.

Property Name Property Description Valid Values
emxFramework.LifeCycle.ApprovalPasswordConfirmation When true, requires the user to enter a password when approving tasks on the Lifecycle page. True or False
emxFramework.Routes.EnableFDA When true, requires route task assignees to enter their password when choosing Approve, Reject, or Abstain for a task. When this property is enabled, approval routes cannot be deleted after they have been started, even if the route is stopped or when all tasks have been completed. This property has no affect on routes with a route base purpose of Review or Standard. True or False
emxFramework.Routes.ShowUserNameForFDA When true, requires users to enter their username in addition to their password when approving route tasks. True or False
emxFramework.Routes.ResponsibleRoleForSignatureMeaning.Preserve When true, adds a Responsible Role field to a task when the task is assigned to a role instead of a specific user. True or False
emxFramework.Routes.VerificationCount Specifies the number of incorrect attempts to allow when entering the username/password. When a user reaches this limit, the system logs the user out and inactivates the user.

If the system uses 3DPassport for user authentication, it uses the 3DPassport lockout feature instead of this property.

Positive integer
emxFramework.Routes.NotifyPeople Specifies the user to notify when a use is inactivated due to incorrect verification attempts. This should be a person who can re-activate the user, if appropriate. Username