Structure Browser Properties

These properties configure structure browsers.

If you want to change the default values, enter your changes in the page object. For more information, see Editing Properties Using MQL.

Property Name Property Description Valid Values
emxFramework.DisplayCell.wrap When true, wraps the contents of the cell in a structure browser automatically. When set to false, does not wrap the contents of the cell in a structure browser.

You can also enable or disable content wrapping for a particular structure browser page by passing the cellwrap URL parameter to emxIndentedTable.jsp.

This parameter is valid for desktop as well as mobile apps and for the structure compare, grid table, and full search pages.

True or False
emxFramework.Freezepane.view Defines the available views for structure browser pages. You can define one of these values:

Value Description
details Users cannot change the view of the structured data.
details,thumbnails Users can choose between details and thumbnails to view the structured data.
details,thumbnails,tree Users can choose between details, thumbnails, or graph (tree) to view the structured data.

This value can be overridden for a specific page by passing the view URL parameter to emxIndentedTable.jsp.

One of the following:
  • details
  • details,thumbnails
  • details,thumbnails,tree
emxFramework.FreezePane.Column.DescriptionWidth Defines the default width (in pixels) for a Description column included in the freeze pane section of the structure browser when first opened. Positive integer
emxFramework.FreezePane.Column.ImageWidth Defines the default width (in pixels) for a column of type image when it is included in the freeze pane section of the structure browser when first opened. Positive integer
emxFramework.FreezePane.Column.MinimumWidth Defines the minimum width (in pixels) for each column. When a structure browser is first opened, the width available to display the table is divided among the number of columns to be displayed. If the calculated width of these columns is less than this property's value, then all columns are given this minimum width and a horizontal scroll bar appears to access the columns that cannot fit. Positive integer
emxFramework.SBTableCalculations.DecimalPrecision Defines the number of decimal points that the structure browser rounds calculations off to. Depending on the apps you use, the structure browser component could perform numeric calculations, such as averages or totals, on structure browser columns. The same precision is used for all calculations for all structure browsers, but can be overridden for a specific column using the Decimal Precision setting when defining the column. For more information, see Studio Modeling Configuration Guide: Table Column Calculations. Positive integer
emxFramework.ThumbnailView.fieldCount Defines the number of lines (one line per column) to display beneath the thumbnail (when the structure browser is shown in Thumbnail view).

The columns that display as lines beneath the thumbnail have the Display View=thumbnail setting defined, or, if no columns have this setting, then the structure browser uses the first n (the value for this setting) columns. If a structure browser has more columns defined with this setting than the number set here, only this number of lines displays on the page.

Positive integer
emxFramework.ThumbnailView.NoImageFile The path to the image to use in thumbnail view if the object does not have an associated image file. Change the name of the image file if you create an image. Make sure you store the image in the directory defined by this property.

For example: emxFramework.ThumbnailView.NoImageFile = images/icon64x64ImageNotFound.gif

Directory path
emxFramework.InPlaceImageManager Enables (true) the ability to click on an image to open the Image Manager within the structure browser window. True or False
emxFramework.UIFreezePane.Checkbox.BooleanValues Defines the system-wide values that will be treated as Boolean when working with check boxes and radio buttons in a structure browser, with each value providing 2 values that map to the Boolean values of true and false.

For example: emxFramework.UIFreezePane.Checkbox.BooleanValues = yes/no,true/false,on/off

Comma-separated list of pairs of terms (separated by a slash)
emxFramework.RowGrouping.AdvancedRowGrouping.enabled Enables (true) calculations for numeric columns in a structure browser that only show when row grouping is used.

When set to true, this property can be overridden for a specific page by passing the calculations=false URL parameter to emxIndentedTable.jsp.

True or False
emxFramework.StructureBrowser.GraphModeAlertLimit Defines the maximum number of nodes that can be displayed in the graph mode of the structure browser. When exceeded, an alert displays to the user requesting them to reduce the number of visible nodes before switching to graph mode. Positive integer
emxFramework.StructureBrowser.GraphModeWarningLimit Defines the number of nodes in a structure browser that, when exceeded and the user tries to switch to graph mode, displays a slow performance warning message to the user. The user can choose to continue or cancel. Positive integer