Adding a Country

By default, Collaboration and Approvals already has definitions for all countries defined by the ISO (International Standards Organization). You can add a country not already defined by the ISO.

  1. Determine the continent code (<CONTINENTCODE>) for the country you want to add:

    Continent Code
    Africa AF
    Antarctica AN
    Asia AS
    Europe EU
    North America NA
    Oceania OC
    South America SA

  2. If possible, find the 3-digit numeric (<COUNTRYNUMBER>) code, 2 letter (<2CODE>) code, and 3 letter (<3CODE>) code from ISO for the country you want to add. You may not have this ISO information. If not, you can omit these fields when adding the country.
  3. Open the Run MQL window:
    1. From the compass, select Collaboration and Approvals.
    2. In the navigation pane, click Utilities > Run MQL.
    To run an MQL command, enter the command in the MQL Command box and click Run or press Enter.
  4. To set the context for the MQL session, run this command:

    set context user creator;

  5. To create a country, run these commands:

    add businessobject "Country" <COUNTRYNAME> "-" vault "eService Administration" "Continent Code" <CONTINENTCODE> 
    "Country Number" <COUNTRYNUMBER> "Country Code (2 Letter)" <2CODE> 
    "Country Code (3 Letter)" <3CODE> policy Country current <STATE>
    • "Country" <COUNTRYNAME> "-" is the type, name of the country, and revision
    • <CONTINENTCODE> is the continent code for where the country is located
    • <COUNTRYNUMBER> is the 3-digit ISO numeric code for the country (optional)
    • <2CODE> is the 2-letter ISO code for the country (optional)
    • <3CODE> is the 3-letter ISO code for the country (optional)
    • <STATE> is the policy state for the country:

      State Name Description
      Active The country will be available for use in the Geography Configuration pages.
      Inactive An Organization Manager needs to activate the country prior to its use.

    For example, these MQL commands create a country named Modernland that exists in Oceania:

    add businessobject "Country" Modernland "-" vault "eService Administration" "Continent Code" OC policy Country current Active;