Changing Onscreen Text and Other Strings

The app uses a string resource properties file named to internationalize all onscreen text, including schema names. Changing schema names does not change the names displayed in the user interface. The string resources file also contains strings used in system-generated email notifications.

The string resources includes text called from JSPs, text called from Tcl programs and triggers, and text displayed in email notifications. All properties files are located in Apps/Framework/VERSION/UserInterface.

String resource files follow the same procedure as properties files for editing the contents. You must create a page object using the exact names of the string resource files: and In addition, you will have string resource files and the equivalent page objects for any language translations you want to provide. Collaboration and Approvals uses these string resource files:

  • emxTeamCentralStringResource.properites

For more information, see About Internationalizing Notifications.

See Also
In Other Guides
Configuring Properties
  1. Open the string resources file in a text editor. Do not make any changes in this file. You will copy lines from this file to text file used to contain customized string resources.
  2. Create or open the text files to contain customized string resource properties.
  3. Copy the string resources you want to change from the original string resources file to the file used to import string resource properties into a page object.
  4. In the file to be imported, edit the text string as needed. Make sure you only edit the value, the text that appears after the equals sign (=). Do not edit the ID itself.

    For example, to change the column heading labelled "Login Name" within IconMail to "User Name", you change this line in the file:

    emxFramework.IconMail.Common.LoginName = Login Name


    emxFramework.IconMail.Common.LoginName = User Name

  5. Save the properties file as ASCII.

    If there is an _en version of the properties file, save the file as the _en version. The en version is used to show English text on a non-English operating system.

    Always make backups of string resource properties files that you configure. When you install a new version of Collaboration and Approvals or apps, the string resource properties files will be overwritten with updated files.

  6. When finished updated the test file with all the string resources you want to modify, use the text file to modify the string resources page object. For more information, see Editing Properties Using MQL.