This graphic shows a sample data model.
Here is how to read the data model:
- Each rectangular box represents a type of business object.
The above data model contains two object types.
- Object types and relationships that are owned by another
app are indicated with an asterisk. To say that an app
owns an administrative object means it is the app that is primarily
responsible for creating the object, defining the behavior, and using
lifecycle processes associated with that object. Other apps often
need to create objects that are not owned by them, but they usually use
the objects within a limited scope. Ownership shows how apps
are related and the types they have in common.
- Each arrow represents a relationship between object types.
The text on the arrow shows the relationship name.
- The text under each relationship name represents the cardinality
defined for the From and To sides of the relationship. "1" means the
cardinality is One, and "N" means the cardinality is Many. For example,
if the cardinality is 1:N, then the cardinality on the From side is One
and the cardinality on the To side is Many. N:N means the cardinality
is Many for both sides.
- Objects and relationships highlighted in yellow and bold text have
been renamed but their symbolic names continue to reflect the original
Data models also show the type hierarchy for the app.
The hierarchy shows any types that have child types. A child type inherits
from its parent all attributes, methods, triggers, governing policies,
and allowed types for relationships. Parent types are often abstract
types but they do not have to be. For example, if a type is a parent
of two types, the data model would include the following diagram:
If the Parent Type shows in all upper-case (such as DOCUMENTS), then the
parent type is an abstract type.