Be aware of the following limitations regarding the compressed synchronization function:
- File extensions can include only alphanumeric ASCII characters, and must not include control characters or punctuation characters.
- The CATIA V6 and Product Structure Design apps use the file extensions '1' and '2' extensively. Therefore, it is strongly recommended not to add these extensions to the fcsextensions list.
- If a file has several extensions (for example, file.tar.gz), only the trailing one is effective for FCS compressed file detection. In the example cited, FCS would consider this file to have an extension of gz and therefore to be compressed.
- Regarding the set system fcsextensions command:
- The maximum number of extensions that can be added with this command is 16. This limit has been set with the intention of maximizing synchronization process performance.
- Each extension comprises a string of one to five characters, where each character must match the pattern [a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9]
- This command automatically converts all characters in the string to lowercase.