Log FileIf you specify a log file in the compare command, the compare operation generates a report that lists all objects analyzed and the changes. The report format is simple ASCII text. The report contains enough information to enable an expert user to write MQL scripts that apply the changes to a database. Below is a sample of a report with the main sections of the report indicated. Each section of the report is described below:
Verbose ModeTurn on verbose mode to see more details in the report for changed objects/sub-objects. To see these additional details, make sure you turn on verbose mode before issuing the compare command. Verbose mode does not produce additional information if an object has been added in the above description or deleted. To get more information about an added object, use a print command for the object. To gather information about a deleted object, look at the XML export file used for the baseline. When the operation finds changes to objects, verbose mode adds text as follows:
Here are some sample messages that would appear in the change analysis section if the compare operation finds that an object has changed and verbose mode is turned on: field fieldType 'select' has been added. new absoluteX '0' absoluteY '0' xLocation '382.500000' yLocation '36.000000' width '122.400002' height '24.000000' autoWidth '0' autoHeight '0' border '0' foregroundColor 'red' backgroundColor '' fieldValue 'name' fontName 'Arial Rounded MT Bold-10' multiline '0' editable '0'
field fieldType 'select' has been deleted. was absoluteX '0' absoluteY '0' xLocation '382.500000' yLocation '36.000000' width '122.400002' height '24.000000' autoWidth '0' autoHeight '0' border '0' foregroundColor 'red' backgroundColor '' fieldValue 'name' fontName 'Arial Rounded MT Bold-10'
width has been changed. was '795.0' now '792.0' Comparing Person ObjectsThe MQL command results do not include the default users creator and guest when you export all person objects with: export person * xml into file /temp/person.xml; So if you then compare this exported file to another schema, even if the same Person objects exist, the compare output will show that 2 objects have been added. For example: compare person * from file /temp/person.xml use log person.log; 2 objects have been added. 0 objects have been removed. 0 objects have been changed. 172 objects are the same. The log will show: .... ====== 'person' 'guest' ====== Has been added. ====== 'person' 'creator' ====== Has been added. |