Types of File Stores

You can define these types of file stores: captured, DesignSync, and external.

Each type specifies the amount of control and knowledge the system has over the files. As such, each type has different parameters associates with it.

This page discusses:

Captured Stores

A captured file store contains captured files and offers flexibility in regard to system control while still taking advantage of the 3DSpace file and access control.

Captured files are maintained by 3DSpace and are subject to the access rules defined in the policy that governs the file associated with the business object. The primary means of accessing the file is from 3DSpace although it is possible to access it from the file system.

Files in captured stores should not be manipulated or altered outside of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform (for example, through the operating system). If a file that is being checked out is a different size than when it was checked in, the following warning message displays:

"File size has changed from XXXX to YYYY since it was checked in. File may be damaged."

Captured stores can use file name hashing, which is the ability to scramble the file name. When file name hashing is off, the file names appear in the protected captured directory with original file names.

DesignSync Stores

A DesignSync file store represents a DesignSync server and is used to associate DesignSync files and folders with business objects.

Business objects that use DesignSync stores use vcfile, vcfolder, and vcmodule operations to map DesignSync files, folders, or modules to them. For more information, see Semiconductor Accelerators Administration Guide.

When creating a DesignSync store, system administrators provide information on how to access a DesignSync server. Once created, the store communicates with the specified DesignSync server. Any file, folder, or module that is put in the store actually gets checked into a DesignSync server.

DesignSync stores use HTTP or HTTPS to connect to DesignSync.

The table below indicates the access controls required on the DesignSync server to perform various tasks.

User DesignSync Accesses Required
System Administrator (user creating the DesignSync store) BrowseServer
User defined in DesignSync Store SwitchUser
3DEXPERIENCE platformusers that perform DesignSync file/folder/module operations BrowseServer


Checkout with Lock = "yes"

Checkout with Lock = "no"


3DEXPERIENCE platform users that navigate DesignSync files/folders/modules BrowseServer
Of these required accesses, SwitchUser is the only one that is not allowed in DesignSync by default.

DesignSync file/folder/module operations include those available from the Semiconductor Accelerator: checkin, checkout (checkout with lock = yes), download (checkout with lock = no), unlock, display file properties, display file versions, and display folder contents. You can remove DesignSync accesses except BrowseServer for users as required. For example, for users that only need the "display" operations, only BrowseServer is required.

The access controls in DesignSync should be set up before creating the DesignSync store.

External Stores

An external file store contains files managed by an external file server or vault. External Stores are used with External vaults. You specify the External Vault as a parameter when an External Store is created.