About Output Features

There are a few things that you need to know about output features.

This page discusses:

See Also
Creating Output Features

About the Output Feature Command

When using Output Feature , keep in mind the following:

  • You cannot create an output feature from a degenerated element.
  • You can only expose elements that belong to the same sketch.
  • When you modify a sketch, the output feature is not modified as long as it doesn't affect the geometry used to create it.
  • It is not possible to copy, cut or paste an output feature in Sketcher.

Hiding or Showing Output Features

If you apply the Hide/Show capability on a sketch node outside Sketcher, the capability applies to all elements except for output elements.

Editing Output Features

For the output features (including 3D profiles, 3D plane, and 3D axis) with 2D elements as their reference elements, you can double-click the output feature geometry and select the Edit Output option in the edit dialog box of the respective 2D element. This option is available for the following 2D elements: Line, circle, ellipse, point, spline, parabola, hyperbola, control point.

Note: If a 2D element is used to create several output feature, the Output Select dialog box appears to let you select the required output feature to edit. It lists all the output features linked to that 2D element. You can select the output feature to be edited.