Breaking/Trimming Use-Edges

You can break or trim imported elements (projection, intersection, offset). The created use edge is turned into construction mode but the geometry remains unchanged.

Before you begin:

For this scenario an example of trimming element is used.

  • Create a conic.
  • Exit Sketcher and in the Part Design app, create new sketch based on the conic.
  • Project the conic.
  • Create two lines as shown below.
See Also
Trimming Multiple Elements
  1. From the Sketch section of the action bar, click Trim .

  2. Select the use edge between the two lines.
  3. Select a first line.
    An arc is created based on the use-edge and the original use-edge is put in construction mode as shown here.

  4. Click Trim.
  5. Select the arc between the two lines.
  6. Select the second line.
    The mark, which is put in construction mode, and the arc are displayed in the tree.
    Tip: When trimming a curve the selected location on the curve is important as it determines the curve part that will be kept.
    Important: Keep in mind that:
    • When deleting the use edge (projection, intersection, etc...), all the arcs related to it are deleted too.
    • Editing an arc is only possible in the Sketcher app.
    • After a trim operation, for example, the diagnosis is not modified and if the sketch is iso-constrained, it will stay iso-constrained.
    • A use edge of a spline curve can be extrapolated beyond its endpoints in a line tangent to the curve at its endpoints.