Creating Oriented Rectangles

You can create a rectangle in the direction of your choice by defining three extremity points of the rectangle.

Before you begin: Select the Dimensional Constraints and the Geometric constraints from the Sketch section of the action bar.
See Also
Creating Rectangles
  1. From the Sketch section of the action bar, click Oriented Rectangle .
    Tools Palette now displays values for defining the first side of the oriented rectangle (both points) and then either one point on the second side or directly the oriented rectangle height.
  2. In the H and V boxes of the Tools Palette, specify the coordinates for the first corner and press Enter.
  3. Specify the values for the second corner.
    1. In the W box, specify the required length.
    2. In the A box, specify the required angle value.
    3. Press Enter.
  4. In the Height box of the Tools Palette, enter the height for the third corner and press Enter.

The oriented rectangle and its corresponding constraints are created.

Tip: In this task, we used Tools Palette but you can also create an oriented rectangle manually. To do this, move the pointer to activate SmartPick and click as soon as you get the required coordinates or other parameters.