Double-click the conic curve to be edited.
In the
Conic.x dialog box, enter the new parameters for
the conic curve.
Constraint Limits:
- Start and
End Points: The curve is defined from the
start point to the end point.
- Start and
End Tangents: If needed the tangent at the
start or the end points can be defined by selecting a curve.
- Tangent Intersection: lets you define
the point used to define both start and end tangents. These tangents are on
construction lines passing through the start or the end points and the selected
- Point: lets you select the tangent
intersection point when the
Tangent intersection check box is
Note that you will have to choose either a start and end tangents
or a tangent intersection point.
- Parameter: defines the value of the
parameter. Ratio ranging from 0 to 1 (excluded), which value is used to define
a passing point (M in this figure) and corresponds to the OM distance/OT
distance. If the parameter = 0.5, then the resulting curve is a parabola. If 0
< parameter < 0.5, then the resulting curve is an arc of ellipse. If 1
> parameter > 0.5, then the resulting curve is a hyperbola.
- Control Points 1, 2, 3: defines the
possible passing points of the conic. These points have to be selected in
logical order after having defined the Start and Endpoints.
- Tangent 1, 2: defines the tangency when
it is applied to one of the passing points.
- Construction: changes the conic curve
into a construction element.