Editing Conic Curves

You can modify the conic curve using various options in the Conic.x dialog box.

Before you begin: Create a conic curve.
See Also
Creating Conic Curves
  1. Double-click the conic curve to be edited.

  2. In the Conic.x dialog box, enter the new parameters for the conic curve.

    Constraint Limits:

    • Start and End Points: The curve is defined from the start point to the end point.
    • Start and End Tangents: If needed the tangent at the start or the end points can be defined by selecting a curve.

    • Tangent Intersection: lets you define the point used to define both start and end tangents. These tangents are on construction lines passing through the start or the end points and the selected point.
    • Point: lets you select the tangent intersection point when the Tangent intersection check box is selected.

    Note that you will have to choose either a start and end tangents or a tangent intersection point.

    • Parameter: defines the value of the parameter. Ratio ranging from 0 to 1 (excluded), which value is used to define a passing point (M in this figure) and corresponds to the OM distance/OT distance. If the parameter = 0.5, then the resulting curve is a parabola. If 0 < parameter < 0.5, then the resulting curve is an arc of ellipse. If 1 > parameter > 0.5, then the resulting curve is a hyperbola.
    • Control Points 1, 2, 3: defines the possible passing points of the conic. These points have to be selected in logical order after having defined the Start and Endpoints.
    • Tangent 1, 2: defines the tangency when it is applied to one of the passing points.
    • Construction: changes the conic curve into a construction element.

    Important: If an element belonging to the conic is deleted, the conic becomes inconsistent (the conic color turns red ). As a result, when you exit the Sketcher app the Update Diagnosis dialog box is displayed and an error message appears within the dialog box. Just double-click the conic to re-edit it.