DELFITKWTypePackage (no NLS) Methods

This section describes the methods of the DELFITKWTypePackage that are associated with the DNBFitTrack type. This package enables users to customize track authoring and editing scenarios in Assembly Evaluation.

This page discusses:


Creates an operation track.


ProdSystemOccurrence.CreateTrack() : DNBFitTrack


Creates an operation track if successful.


MyProdSysOcc : ProdSystemOccurrence

let MyDNBFitTrack(DNBFitTrack)
let Pos1(List)
let Pos2(List)
let Pos3(List)
let Pos4(List)
let result(Boolean)

// These lists contains 12 reals and represents CATMathTransform
// First 9 reals represents a 3x3 rotation matrix
// Last 3 reals represents the 3 coordinates in x, y, and z direction respectively
Pos1 = List(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Pos2 = List(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0)
Pos3 = List(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 200.0, 100.0, 100.0)
Pos4 = List(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 300.0, 100.0, 100.0)

// CreateTrack API is called on ProdSystemOccurrence and returns a DNBFitTrack
MyDNBFitTrack = MyProdSysOcc.CreateTrack()

// Sets the anchor position of MyDNBFitTrack to Pos1 and returns a boolean
result = MyDNBFitTrack.SetAnchorPosition(Pos1) 

// Inserts new TPoints at index 1, 2, and 3 as per given positions Pos2, Pos3, and Pos 3 respectively
// and given compass position Pos1. Duration 0.0 will distributing the total trajectory time among all
// TPoints
result = MyDNBFitTrack.InsertFitTPoint(1,Pos2,Pos1,0.0)
result = MyDNBFitTrack.InsertFitTPoint(2,Pos3,Pos1,0.0)
result = MyDNBFitTrack.InsertFitTPoint(3,Pos4,Pos1,0.0)

// Writable attributes are set to MyDNBFitTrack
MyDNBFitTrack.Name = "New Track"
MyDNBFitTrack.Mode = "Time"
MyDNBFitTrack.Interpolator = "Linear"
MyDNBFitTrack.TotalTime = 10.0
MyDNBFitTrack.Speed = 6.5
MyDNBFitTrack.LineColor = 8388863 //Green
MyDNBFitTrack.LineWeight = 3
MyDNBFitTrack.LineType = 2

// Refresh the track
result = MyDNBFitTrack.Refresh()

// Check the result at the end of script
Message("Success?: ", result)


Creates a functional process track.


FProcessOccurrence.CreateTrack() : DNBFitTrack


Creates a functional process track if successful.


Creates an excitation track.


ProductOccurrence.CreateTrack() : DNBFitTrack


Creates an excitation track if successful.


Creates a resource track.


ResourceOccurrence.CreateTrack() : DNBFitTrack


Creates a resource track if successful.


Adds the given object to the trajectory.


DNBFitTrack.AddMovingObject(MovingObject : ProdSystemOccurrence, PartPosition : List) : Integer


Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment
MovingObject In ProdSystemOccurrence Object to be added to the trajectory.
PartPosition In List Transformation of the given object relative to the anchor position. This list contains 12 reals: first 9 reals represent a 3x3 rotation matrix, last 3 reals represent translation coordinates.



  • 0: if successful
  • 1: if failed
  • 2: if an invalid argument is passed or otherwise


MyDNBFitTrack : DNBFitTrack
MyOperation : ProdSystemOccurrence
NewOperation : ProdSystemOccurrence
MyResource : ResourceOccurrence
MyFctProcess : FProcessOccurrence

let result(Boolean)
let int(Integer)
let ListOfOperations(List)
let OldOperation(ProdSystemOccurrence)
let Pos1(List)

// Add an operation to a Production System Track (MyDNBFitTrack)
int = MyDNBFitTrack.AddMovingObject(MyOperation, Pos1)
Message("Add Operation to Track Successful? : ", int)

// Retrieve list of operations moved by MyDNBFitTrack
ListOfOperations = MyDNBFitTrack.GetPointedProductionSystemEntities()
OldOperation = ListOfOperations.GetItem(1)

// Remove OldOperation entity from moving object and add NewOperation entity instead
result = MyDNBFitTrack.ReroutePointedProductionSystemEntity(OldOperation, NewOperation)
Message("Reroute successful? : ", result)

// Add a resource to MyDNBFitTrack
int = MyDNBFitTrack.AddMovingObject(MyResource, Pos1)
Message("Add Resource to Track Successful? : ", int)

// Add a functional process to MyDNBFitTrack
int = MyDNBFitTrack.AddMovingObject(MyFctProcess, Pos1)
Message("Add Functional Process to Track Successful? : ", int)

// Remove OldOperation from moving object
int = MyDNBFitTrack.RemoveMovingObject(OldOperation)
Message("RemoveMovingObject successful? : ", int)

// Remove resource from MyDNBFitTrack
int = MyDNBFitTrack.RemoveMovingObject(MyResource)
Message("Remove Resource from Track successful? : ", int)

// Remove Functional Process from MyDNBFitTrack
int = MyDNBFitTrack.RemoveMovingObject(MyFctProcess)
Message("Remove Functional Process from Track successful? : ", int)

// Refresh the track
result = MyDNBFitTrack.Refresh()


Adds the given object to the trajectory.


DNBFitTrack.AddMovingObject(MovingObject : PLMResourceDynamicTypePackage (no NLS) Type: ResourceOccurrence, PartPosition : List) : Integer


Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment
MovingObject In PLMResourceDynamicTypePackage (no NLS) Type: ResourceOccurrence Object to be added to the trajectory.
PartPosition In List Transformation of the given object relative to the anchor position. This list contains 12 reals: first 9 reals represent a 3x3 rotation matrix, last 3 reals represent translation coordinates.



  • 0: if successful
  • 1: if failed
  • 2: if an invalid argument is passed or otherwise


MyProductOcc : ProductOccurrence
MovingObjProduct : ProductOccurrence
MovingObjResource : ResourceOccurrence
let ListOfMovingObjects(List)
let ListOfPositions(List)
let PositionOfFirstPart(List)
let MyDNBFitTrack(DNBFitTrack)
let result(Integer)
let bResult(Boolean)
let Pos1(List)
let Pos2(List)
Pos1 = List(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 400.0, 400.0, 400.0)
Pos2 = List(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0)

// Create a new excitation or resource track depending on the selected object ie. MyProductOcc
// If the selected object is a product or non-organizational resource, it will create an excitation track
// If the selected object is an organizational resource, it will create a resource track
MyDNBFitTrack = MyProductOcc.CreateTrack()
Message("Name of the newly created track: ", MyDNBFitTrack.Name)

// Add a product as a moving object to the newly created track
result = MyDNBFitTrack.AddMovingObject(MovingObjProduct, Pos1)
Message("Product added to Moving Object: ", result)

// Add a resource as a moving object to the newly created track
result = MyDNBFitTrack.AddMovingObject(MovingObjResource, Pos2)
Message("Resource added to Moving Object: ", result)

// Get all the moving objects of MyDNBFitTrack and display the total number of moving objects
ListOfMovingObjects = MyDNBFitTrack.GetMovingObjects()
Message("Number of Moving Objects: ", ListOfMovingObjects.Size())

// Retrieve a list of transformations of all moving objects relative to the anchor position
ListOfPositions = MyDNBFitTrack.GetPartRelativePositions()

// Get the position of first moving object
PositionOfFirstPart = ListOfPositions.GetItem(1)
Message("Size of position of first part: ", PositionOfFirstPart.Size())

// Set the transformation of moving object MovingObjProduct
bResult = MyDNBFitTrack.SetPartRelativePosition(MovingObjProduct, Pos2)
Message("Set SetPartRelativePosition for product successful? : ", bResult)

// Set the transformation of moving object MovingObjResource
bResult = MyDNBFitTrack.SetPartRelativePosition(MovingObjResource, Pos1)
Message("Set SetPartRelativePosition for resource successful? : ", bResult)

// Remove MovingObjProduct from MyDNBFitTrack
result = MyDNBFitTrack.RemoveMovingObject(MovingObjProduct)
Message("RemoveMovingObject for product successful? : ", result)
// Remove MovingObjResource from MyDNBFitTrack
result = MyDNBFitTrack.RemoveMovingObject(MovingObjResource)
Message("RemoveMovingObject for resource successful? : ", result)

// Refresh the track
result = MyDNBFitTrack.Refresh()


Adds the given object to the trajectory.


DNBFitTrack.AddMovingObject(MovingObject : ProductOccurrence, PartPosition : List) : Integer


Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment
MovingObject In ProductOccurrence Object to be added to the trajectory.
PartPosition In List Transformation of the given object relative to the anchor position. This list contains 12 reals: first 9 reals represent a 3x3 rotation matrix, last 3 reals represent translation coordinates.



  • 0: if successful
  • 1: if failed
  • 2: if an invalid argument is passed or otherwise

For an example, see DNBFitTrack.AddMovingObject().


Adds the given object to the trajectory.


DNBFitTrack.AddMovingObject(MovingObject : FProcessKnowledge Type: FProcessOccurrence, PartPosition : List) : Integer


Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment
MovingObject In FProcessKnowledge Type: FProcessOccurrence Object to be added to the trajectory.
PartPosition In List Transformation of the given object relative to the anchor position. This list contains 12 reals: first 9 reals represent a 3x3 rotation matrix, last 3 reals represent translation coordinates.



  • 0: if successful
  • 1: if failed
  • 2: if an invalid argument is passed or otherwise


MyFctProcOcc : FProcessOccurrence
MyResourceOcc : ResourceOccurrence

let iResult(Integer)
let MyDNBFitTrack(DNBFitTrack)
let Pos1(List)
Pos1 = List(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 400.0, 400.0, 400.0)

// Create a new functional process track MyDNBFitTrack
MyDNBFitTrack = MyFctProcOcc.CreateTrack()
Message("Name of the newly created track: ", MyDNBFitTrack.Name)

// Add the functional process to the newly created MyDNBFitTrack
// Note that CreateTrack has already added the MyFctProcOcc to MyDNBFitTrack
// This is just to demonstrate the use of AddMovingObject API
iResult = MyDNBFitTrack.AddMovingObject(MyFctProcOcc, Pos1)
Message("Process added to Moving Object: ", iResult)

// Add a resource to the newly created MyDNBFitTrack
iResult = MyDNBFitTrack.AddMovingObject(MyResourceOcc, Pos1)
Message("Resource added to Moving Object: ", iResult)

// Remove the functional process from the track
iResult = MyDNBFitTrack.RemoveMovingObject(MyFctProcOcc)
Message("Process removed from Moving Object: ", iResult)

// Remove the resource from the track
iResult = MyDNBFitTrack.RemoveMovingObject(MyResourceOcc)
Message("Resource removed from Moving Object: ", iResult)

// Refresh the track
result = MyDNBFitTrack.Refresh()


Deletes a track.


DNBFitTrack.DeleteTrack() : Boolean


TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.


MyDNBFitTrack : DNBFitTrack
let result(Boolean)
let int(Integer)

// Delete MyDNBFitTrack
// MyDNBFitTrack is no longer available and cannot be used to call any further APIs
result = MyDNBFitTrack.DeleteTrack()
Message("Track deleted successfully? ", result)

// Moves the TPoint at Index 1 after the TPoint at Index 2
result = MyDNBFitTrack.ReorderTPoint(1,2)
Message("TPoint reorder successfully? :", result)

// Removes the TPoint at Index 2 of MyDNBFitTrack
result = MyDNBFitTrack.RemoveTPoint(2)
Message("TPoint 2 removed successfully? :", result)

// Set the visibility of MyDNBFitTrack to 0. It hides the track.
MyDNBFitTrack.Visibility = 0
// Gets the value of visibility attribute of MyDNBFitTrack
int = MyDNBFitTrack.Visibility
Message("Visibility: ", int)


Retrieves the anchor position of the trajectory.


DNBFitTrack.GetAnchorPosition() : List


Position of the anchor. The list contains 12 reals: first 9 reals represent a 3x3 rotation matrix, last 3 reals represent translation coordinates.

For an example, see DNBFitTrack.GetTPointColor().


Retrieves a list of objects that are moved by the trajectory.


DNBFitTrack.GetMovingObjects() : List


List of objects that are moved by the trajectory.

For an example, see DNBFitTrack.AddMovingObject().


Retrieves a list of transformations of all moving objects relative to the anchor position.


DNBFitTrack.GetPartRelativePositions() : List


List of transformations. Each transformation is also represented as a list that contains 12 reals: first 9 reals represent a 3x3 rotation matrix, last 3 reals represent translation coordinates.

For an example, see DNBFitTrack.AddMovingObject().


Retrieves the list of operations moved by the track on which the method is executed.


DNBFitTrack.GetPointedProductionSystemEntities() : List


List of operations moved by the track.

For an example, see DNBFitTrack.AddMovingObject().


Returns the color of a TPoint in the trajectory.


DNBFitTrack.GetTPointColor(TPointIndex : Integer) : Integer


Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment
TPointIndex In Integer Index of the TPoint, the index starts from 1.


Color of the TPoint.


MyDNBFitTrack : DNBFitTrack
let Pos1(List)
let Pos2(List)
let Pos3(List)
let Pos4(List)
let result(Boolean)
let myReal(Real)
let int(Integer)

// Gets the duration of TPoint at Index 2, returns a real
myReal = MyDNBFitTrack.GetTPointDuration(2)
Message("Duration of TPoint at index 2 : ",myReal)

// Gets the pattern of TPoint at Index 2, returns an integer
int = MyDNBFitTrack.GetTPointPattern(2)
Message("Pattern of TPoint at index 2 : ",int)

// Gets the color of TPoint at Index 2, returns an integer
int = MyDNBFitTrack.GetTPointColor(2)
Message("Color of TPoint at index 2 : ",int)

// Gets the position of TPoint at Index 2 (Pos1), returns a list of 12 reals
// Pos1.GetItem(12) returns the last element of the list which
// represents the coordinate value in z-direction
Pos1 = MyDNBFitTrack.GetTPointPosition(2)
Message("z value of TPoint 2 : ", Pos1.GetItem(12))

// Gets the position of TPoint at Index 2 (Pos2) relative to the Track anchor position
// and the TPoint compass position (Pos3) relative to the TPoint position
result = MyDNBFitTrack.GetTPointTransforms(2, Pos2, Pos3)
Message("GetTPointTransforms successful?: ", result)

// Gets the anchor position of the track (Pos4), returns a list of 12 reals
// Pos4.GetItem(12) returns the last element of the list which
// represents the coordinate value in z-direction
Pos4 = MyDNBFitTrack.GetAnchorPosition()
Message("z value of anchor : ", Pos4.GetItem(12))


Returns the TPoint duration for the given index of TPoint. The TPoint duration is the time needed to reach this TPoint from the previous TPoint.


DNBFitTrack.GetTPointDuration(TPointIndex : Integer) : Real


Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment
TPointIndex In Integer Index of the TPoint, the index starts from 1.


TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

For an example, see DNBFitTrack.GetTPointColor().


Returns the visualization pattern of the TPoints for the trajectory.


DNBFitTrack.GetTPointPattern(TPointIndex : Integer) : Integer


Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment
TPointIndex In Integer Index of the TPoint, the index starts from 1.


Visualization pattern for the TPoint.

For an example, see DNBFitTrack.GetTPointColor().


For the given index of the TPoint, returns the TPoint position relative to the trajectory anchor position.


DNBFitTrack.GetTPointPosition(TPointIndex : Integer) : List


Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment
TPointIndex In Integer Index of the TPoint, the index starts from 1.


TPoint position relative to trajectory anchor position. The list contains 12 reals: first 9 reals represent a 3x3 rotation matrix, last 3 reals represent translation coordinates.

For an example, see DNBFitTrack.GetTPointColor().


For the given index of the TPoint, returns the TPoint position relative to the track anchor position and the TPoint compass position relative to the TPoint position.


DNBFitTrack.GetTPointTransforms(TPointIndex : Integer, TPointPosition : List, TPointCompassTransformation : List) : Boolean


Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment
TPointIndex In Integer Index of the TPoint, the index starts from 1.
TPointPosition In List TPoint position relative to the track anchor position. The list contains 12 reals: first 9 reals represent a 3x3 rotation matrix, last 3 reals represent translation coordinates.
TPointCompassTransformation In List TPoint compass position relative to the TPoint position. The list contains 12 reals: first 9 reals represent a 3x3 rotation matrix, last 3 reals represent translation coordinates.


TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

For an example, see DNBFitTrack.GetTPointColor().


Inserts a new TPoint at given index with the given TPoint position, TPoint compass position and duration.


DNBFitTrack.InsertFitTPoint(TPointIndex : Integer, TPointPosition : List, TPointCompassPosition : List, Duration : Real) : Boolean


Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment
TPointIndex In Integer Index of the TPoint, the index starts from 1.
TPointPosition In List TPoint position relative to the track anchor position. The list contains 12 reals: first 9 reals represent a 3x3 rotation matrix, last 3 reals represent translation coordinates.
TPointCompassPosition In List TPoint compass position relative to the TPoint position. The list contains 12 reals: first 9 reals represent a 3x3 rotation matrix, last 3 reals represent translation coordinates.
Duration In Real TPoint duration: the time needed to reach this TPoint from the previous TPoint.


TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.


MyProdSysOcc : ProdSystemOccurrence

let MyDNBFitTrack(DNBFitTrack)
let Pos1(List)
let Pos2(List)
let Pos3(List)
let Pos4(List)
let result(Boolean)

// These lists contains 12 reals and represents CATMathTransform
// First 9 reals represents a 3x3 rotation matrix
// Last 3 reals represents the 3 coordinates in x, y, and z direction respectively
Pos1 = List(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Pos2 = List(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0)
Pos3 = List(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 200.0, 100.0, 100.0)
Pos4 = List(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 300.0, 100.0, 100.0)

// CreateTrack API is called on ProdSystemOccurrence and returns a DNBFitTrack
MyDNBFitTrack = MyProdSysOcc.CreateTrack()

// Sets the anchor position of MyDNBFitTrack to Pos1 and returns a boolean
result = MyDNBFitTrack.SetAnchorPosition(Pos1) 

// Inserts new TPoints at index 1, 2, and 3 as per given positions Pos2, Pos3, and Pos 3 respectively
// and given compass position Pos1. Duration 0.0 will distributing the total trajectory time among all
// TPoints
result = MyDNBFitTrack.InsertFitTPoint(1,Pos2,Pos1,0.0)
result = MyDNBFitTrack.InsertFitTPoint(2,Pos3,Pos1,0.0)
result = MyDNBFitTrack.InsertFitTPoint(3,Pos4,Pos1,0.0)

// Writable attributes are set to MyDNBFitTrack
MyDNBFitTrack.Name = "New Track"
MyDNBFitTrack.Mode = "Time"
MyDNBFitTrack.Interpolator = "Linear"
MyDNBFitTrack.TotalTime = 10.0
MyDNBFitTrack.Speed = 6.5
MyDNBFitTrack.LineColor = 8388863 //Green
MyDNBFitTrack.LineWeight = 3
MyDNBFitTrack.LineType = 2

// Refresh the track
result = MyDNBFitTrack.Refresh()

// Check the result at the end of script
Message("Success?: ", result)


Refreshes the track properties and visualization. This method needs to be called after making changes to track attributes and properties.


DNBFitTrack.Refresh() : Boolean


TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

For an example, see DNBFitTrack.SetTPointColor().


Removes the given moving object from the trajectory.


DNBFitTrack.RemoveMovingObject(MovingObject : ProdSystemOccurrence) : Integer


Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment
MovingObject In ProdSystemOccurrence Object to be removed from the trajectory.



  • 0: if successful
  • 1: if failed
  • 2: if invalid argument is passed or otherwise

For an example, see DNBFitTrack.AddMovingObject().


Removes the given moving object from the trajectory.


DNBFitTrack.RemoveMovingObject(MovingObject : PLMResourceDynamicTypePackage (no NLS) Type: ResourceOccurrence) : Integer


Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment
MovingObject In PLMResourceDynamicTypePackage (no NLS) Type: ResourceOccurrence Object to be removed from the trajectory.



  • 0: if successful
  • 1: if failed
  • 2: if invalid argument is passed or otherwise

For an example, see DNBFitTrack.AddMovingObject().


Removes a TPoint with a given index.


DNBFitTrack.RemoveTPoint(TPointIndex : Integer) : Boolean


Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment
TPointIndex In Integer Index of the TPoint to remove, the index starts from 1.


TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

For an example, see DNBFitTrack.DeleteTrack().


Reorders the TPoints: moves the first TPoint after the second TPoint.


DNBFitTrack.ReorderTPoint(MovingTPoint : Integer, AfterTPoint : Integer) : Boolean


Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment
MovingTPoint In Integer Index of the moving TPoint.
AfterTPoint In Integer Index of the TPoint which has to be moved after the first TPoint.


TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

For an example, see DNBFitTrack.DeleteTrack().


Removes an existing operation occurrence as moved object and adds a new operation occurrence as moving object.


DNBFitTrack.ReroutePointedProductionSystemEntity(OldOperationOccurrence : ProdSystemOccurrence, NewOperationOccurrence : ProdSystemOccurrence) : Boolean


Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment
OldOperationOccurrence In ProdSystemOccurrence Operation to be removed.
NewOperationOccurrence In ProdSystemOccurrence Operation to be added.


TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

For an example, see DNBFitTrack.AddMovingObject().


Reverses the track.


DNBFitTrack.Reverse() : Boolean


TRUE if track is successfully reversed, FALSE otherwise.


MyDNBFitTrack : DNBFitTrack
let Pos1(List)
let result(Boolean)
let T1(DNBFitTrack)
let T2(DNBFitTrack)
let myReal(Real)
let int(Integer)

Pos1 = List(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0)

// Reverses the MyDNBFitTrack
result = MyDNBFitTrack.Reverse()
Message("Is reverse successful? ", result)

// Splits MyDNBFitTrack into two DNBFitTracks T1 and T2 at TPoint Index 3
// if the 4th parameter is TRUE, the original track will be retained
result = MyDNBFitTrack.Split(3,T1,T2,true)
Message("Is Split successful? ", result)
Message("First track name: ", T1.Name)
Message("Second track name: ", T2.Name)

// Applies geometric transformation to DNBFitTrack T1
result = T1.Transform(Pos1,true)
Message("Is transform on first split track successful? :",result)

// Refresh the track
result = MyDNBFitTrack.Refresh()


Sets the anchor position of the trajectory.


DNBFitTrack.SetAnchorPosition(AnchorPosition : List) : Boolean


Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment
AnchorPosition In List Anchor position of the trajectory.


TRUE if successful, FALSE if not.

For an example, see DNBFitTrack.InsertFitTPoint().


Sets the transformation of the given moving object relative to the anchor position.


DNBFitTrack.SetPartRelativePosition(MovingObject : PLMResourceDynamicTypePackage (no NLS) Type: ResourceOccurrence, PartPosition : List) : Boolean


Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment
MovingObject In PLMResourceDynamicTypePackage (no NLS) Type: ResourceOccurrence Object whose transform is being set. The moving object is a ResourceOccurrence.
PartPosition In List Transformation of the given moving object relative to the anchor position. This list contains 12 reals: first 9 reals represent a 3x3 rotation matrix, last 3 reals represent translation coordinates.


TRUE if successful, FALSE if not.

For an example, see DNBFitTrack.AddMovingObject().


Sets the transformation of the given moving object relative to the anchor position.


DNBFitTrack.SetPartRelativePosition(MovingObject : ProductOccurrence, PartPosition : List) : Boolean


Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment
MovingObject In ProductOccurrence Object whose transform is being set. The moving object is a ProductOccurrence.
PartPosition In List Transformation of the given moving object relative to the anchor position. This list contains 12 reals: first 9 reals represent a 3x3 rotation matrix, last 3 reals represent translation coordinates.


TRUE if successful, FALSE if not.

For an example, see DNBFitTrack.AddMovingObject().


Sets the color of a TPoint in the trajectory.


DNBFitTrack.SetTPointColor(TPointIndex : Integer, PointColor : Integer) : Boolean


Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment
TPointIndex In Integer Index of the TPoint, the index starts from 1.
PointColor In Integer TPoint color.


TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.


MyDNBFitTrack : DNBFitTrack

let result(Boolean)
let Pos1(List)
let Pos2(List)
Pos1 = List(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 400.0, 400.0, 400.0)
Pos2 = List(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0)

// Sets the color of TPoint at Index 2 to 8388863 (Green)
result = MyDNBFitTrack.SetTPointColor(2, 8388863)
Message("SetTpointColor Successful? :", result)

// Sets the pattern of TPoint at Index 2 to 3
result = MyDNBFitTrack.SetTPointPattern(2, 3)
Message("SetTPointPattern Successful? :", result)

// Sets the duration of TPoint at Index 2 to 3.0
result = MyDNBFitTrack.SetTPointDuration(2, 3.0)
Message("SetTPointDuration Successful? :", result)

// Sets the TPoint position to Pos1 relative to Trajectory anchor position
result = MyDNBFitTrack.SetTPointPosition(2, Pos1)
Message("SetTPointPosition Successful? :", result)

// Sets the TPoint position Pos1 relative to the Track anchor position
// and TPoint compass position Pos2 relative to the TPoint position
result = MyDNBFitTrack.SetTPointTransforms(2, Pos1, Pos2)
Message("SetTPointTransforms Successful? :", result)

// Refresh the track
result = MyDNBFitTrack.Refresh()


Sets the duration of a TPoint.


DNBFitTrack.SetTPointDuration(TPointIndex : Integer, TPointDuration : Real) : Boolean


Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment
TPointIndex In Integer Index of the TPoint, the index starts from 1.
TPointDuration In Real TPoint duration.


TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

For an example, see DNBFitTrack.SetTPointColor().


Sets the visualization pattern of the TPoints for the trajectory.


DNBFitTrack.SetTPointPattern(TPointIndex : Integer, PointPattern : Integer) : Boolean


Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment
TPointIndex In Integer Index of the TPoint, the index starts from 1.
PointPattern In Integer Visualization pattern for the TPoint.


TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

For an example, see DNBFitTrack.SetTPointColor().


Sets the TPoint position relative to the trajectory anchor position for the given TPoint.


DNBFitTrack.SetTPointPosition(TPointIndex : Integer, TPointPosition : List) : Boolean


Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment
TPointIndex In Integer Index of the TPoint, the index starts from 1.
TPointPosition In List TPoint position relative to the trajectory anchor position. This list contains 12 reals: first 9 reals represent a 3x3 rotation matrix, last 3 reals represent translation coordinates.


TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

For an example, see DNBFitTrack.SetTPointColor().


For a given TPoint, sets the TPoint position relative to the track anchor position and the compass position relative to the TPoint position.


DNBFitTrack.SetTPointTransforms(TPointIndex : Integer, TPointPosition : List, TPointCompassTransformation : List) : Boolean


Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment
TPointIndex In Integer Index of the TPoint, index starts from 1.
TPointPosition In List TPoint position relative to the track anchor position. This list contains 12 reals: first 9 reals represent a 3x3 rotation matrix, last 3 reals represent translation coordinates.
TPointCompassTransformation In List TPoint compass position relative to the TPoint position. This list contains 12 reals: first 9 reals represent a 3x3 rotation matrix, last 3 reals represent translation coordinates.


TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

For an example, see DNBFitTrack.SetTPointColor().


Splits a track at a TPoint and provides the two tracks created by the split.


DNBFitTrack.Split(TPointIndex : Integer, FirstSplitTrack : DNBFitTrack, SecondSplitTrack : DNBFitTrack, KeepOriginal : Boolean) : Boolean


Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment
TPointIndex In Integer TPoint position where to split the track. The value of TPointIndex must be between 1 and the number of TPoints 1.
FirstSplitTrack In DNBFitTrack New track object containing the first data before the given position.
SecondSplitTrack In DNBFitTrack New track object containing the second data after the given position.
KeepOriginal In Boolean TRUE if the original track needs to be retained, FALSE otherwise.


TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

For an example, see DNBFitTrack.Reverse().


Applies a geometrical transformation to the track.


DNBFitTrack.Transform(Transformation : List, UpdatePartOffsets : Boolean) : Boolean


Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment
Transformation In List Transformation to apply. This list contains 12 reals: first 9 reals represent a 3x3 rotation matrix, last 3 reals represent translation coordinates.
UpdatePartOffsets In Boolean If TRUE, moving object offsets are updated with the applied transformation.

If FALSE, moving object offsets are not updated.


TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

For an example, see DNBFitTrack.Reverse().