This method enables you to associate a functional contract to a flow exposition instance.
You can specify two directions:
- Emission: The emitted flow respects the associated contract.
- Consumption: The function is able to consume any flow respecting the associated contract. The consuming flow describes the minimum features that it is able to consume.
RFLPLMFlowExpositionInstance.AssociateContract(Functional Contract : RFLPLMFunctionalContract)
Name | Input/Output | Required? | Type | Comment |
Functional Contract
In | Yes | RFLPLMFunctionalContract | The functional contract to associate. |
let flowExpoInst(RFLPLMFlowExpositionInstance) let fctContract(RFLPLMFunctionalContract) … set flowExpoInst=… fctContract = new("RFLPLMFunctionalContract","AFunctionalContract") ; flowExpoInst.associateContract(fctContract)