Wireframe Constructors Functions

This function lets you manage the creation of wireframe elements by defining the formulae using wireframe constructors.

This page discusses:


Creates a corner between two curves.

Constructs a corner between two curves. Arguments 5 and 6 should be used to scan the possible solutions. For more information, see Generative Shape Design User's Guide.


corner(crv1: Curve, crv2: Curve, support: Surface, radius: LENGTH, orientationCrv1: Boolean, orientationCrv2: Boolean, trim: Boolean): Curve


  • crv1(Curve): the first curve the corner is to bind to the second one
  • crv2(Curve): the second curve the corner is to bind to the first one
  • support(Surface): the intended corner's support
  • radius(LENGTH): the intended corner's radius
  • orientationCrv1(Boolean): when the curves intersect and form a T- or X-configuration, that boolean sets the side of crv1 the corner should be on
  • orientationCrv2(Boolean): when the curves intersect and form a T- or X-configuration, that boolean sets the side of crv2 the corner should be on
  • trim(Boolean): boolean to set whether the input curves should be absorbed by the corner or not

Returned value

  • Curve: circle arc of radius radius, located within support, binding crv1 with crv2, located on a side of crv1 according to orientationCrv1's value, located on a side of crv2 according to orientationCrv2's value, and absorbing crv1 and crv2 or not, depending on trim's value


Creates an isoparametric curve on a support, passing through a point and along a given direction. Swapped cells created through BRep selection mechanism cannot be used as an input.


isoparamcurve(SupportSurface: Surface, PassingPoint: Point, Direction: Line): Curve


  • SupportSurface(Surface): surface the result curve should be located on
  • PassingPoint(Point): point the result curve should pass through
  • Direction(Line): the result curve's propagation direction

Returned value

  • Curve: isoparametric curve located on SupportSurface, passing through PassingPoint and of propagation direction Direction


Creates an intersection.

intersect (curve)

Creates the intersection of two curves.


intersect(Curve, Curve): Point


  • (Curve): first curve to intersect
  • (Curve): second curve to intersect

Returned value

  • Point: point belonging to both input curves

intersect (curve, surface)

Creates the intersection of a surface with a curve.


intersect(Curve, Surface): Point


Returned value

  • Point: point belonging to both inputs

intersect (surface, surface)

Creates the intersection of two surfaces or the boundary of the intersection of two surfaces (when the intersection is a surface).


intersect(Surface, Surface): Curve


  • (Surface): first surface to intersect
  • (Surface): second surface to intersect

Returned value

  • Curve: intersection of both input surfaces when it is a curve, or its boundary when it is a surface


Revolves geometry around a given axis.

revolve (curve)

Revolves a wireframe profile around a given axis. The result is a surface.


revolve (Curve, axis: Line, angle1: Angle, angle2: Angle): Surface


  • (Curve): wireframe profile to revolve
  • axis(Line): axis of revolution
  • angle1(ANGLE): oriented angle between the profile, the axis and the first extremity of the result
  • angle2(ANGLE): oriented angle between the profile, the axis and the second extremity of the result

Returned value

  • Surface: the revolution of the wireframe profile around axis. The result is a surface.

revolve (surface)

Revolves a surface around a given axis. The result is the skin of the generated volume.


revolve(Surface, axis: Line, angle1: ANGLE, angle2: ANGLE): Surface


  • (Surface): surface to revolve
  • axis(Line): axis of revolution
  • angle1(ANGLE): oriented angle between the profile, the axis and the first extremity of the result
  • angle2(ANGLE): oriented angle between the profile, the axis and the second extremity of the result

Returned value

  • Surface: the revolution of the surface around axis. The result is the skin of the generated volume.

revolve (point)

Creates a circle by revolving a point around a given axis.


revolve (Point, axis: Line, angle1: Angle, angle2: Angle): Circle


  • (Point): point to revolve
  • axis(Line): axis of revolution
  • angle1(ANGLE): oriented angle between the point, the axis and the first extremity of the result
  • angle2(ANGLE): oriented angle between the point, the axis and the second extremity of the result

Returned value

  • Circle: circle obtained by revolving the point around axis

Sample for all revolve signatures

PartBody\Circle.2 = revolve(point(1mm,1mm,1mm) ,line(point(0mm,0mm,0mm),point(0mm,0mm,1mm)),90deg,0deg)
PartBody\Surface.3 = revolve(PartBody\Circle.2, line(point(0mm,0mm,0mm),point(1mm,0mm,0mm)),90deg,0deg)
PartBody\Surface.4 = revolve(PartBody\Surface.3, line(point(-10mm,0mm,0mm),point(-10mm,1mm,0mm)),90deg,0deg)


Projects a point or a curve onto a surface.

project (point)

Projects a point onto a curve or surface along an optional direction (or normally if no direction is specified).


project(toproject: Point, CurveOrSurfaceSupport: Wireframe, OptionalDir: Direction): Point


  • toproject(Point): point to project
  • CurveOrSurfaceSupport(Wireframe): curve or surface to project toproject onto
  • OptionalDir(Direction): direction to project toproject onto CurveOrSurfaceSupport along. If not specified, the projection will be normal

Returned value

  • Point: projection of toproject onto CurveOrSurfaceSupport along OptionalDir if any, or normally otherwise

project (curve)

Projects a curve onto a curve or surface along an optional direction (or normally if no direction is specified).


project(toproject: Curve, support: Surface, OptionalDir: Direction): Curve


  • toproject(Curve): curve to project
  • support(Surface): surface to project toproject onto
  • OptionalDir(Direction): direction to project toproject onto support along. If not specified, the projection will be normal

Returned value

  • Curve: projection of toproject onto support along OptionalDir if any, or normally otherwise


Extrudes geometry in a given direction.

extrude (wireframe)

Extrudes a wireframe profile in a given direction. The result is a surface.


extrude(Curve, Direction, length1: LENGTH, length2: LENGTH, orientation: Boolean): Surface


  • (Curve): the wireframe profile to extrude
  • (Direction): direction of extrusion
  • length1(LENGTH): length of extrusion from the profile in the direction (if orientation is set to true)
  • length2(LENGTH): length of extrusion from the profile in the opposite direction of direction (if orientation is set to true)
  • orientation(Boolean): boolean to swap length1 and length2

Returned value

  • Surface: the extrusion of the wireframe profile. The result is a surface.

extrude (surface)

Extrudes a surface in a given direction. The result is the surface of the generated volume.


extrude(Surface, Direction, length1: LENGTH, length2: LENGTH, orientation: Boolean): Surface


  • (Surface): surface to extrude
  • (Direction): direction of extrusion
  • length1(LENGTH): length of extrusion from the profile in the direction (if orientation is set to true)
  • length2(LENGTH): length of extrusion from the profile in the opposite direction of direction (if orientation is set to true)
  • orientation(Boolean): boolean to swap length1 and length2

Returned value

  • Surface: the extrusion of the surface. The result is the skin of the generated volume.

extrude (point)

Extrudes a point in a given direction. The result is a line.


extrude (Point, Direction, length1: Length, length2: Length, orientation: Boolean): Line


  • (Point): point to extrude
  • (Direction): direction of extrusion
  • length1(LENGTH): length of extrusion from the profile in the direction (if orientation is set to true)
  • length2(LENGTH): length of extrusion from the profile in the opposite direction of direction (if orientation is set to true)
  • orientation(Boolean): boolean to swap length1 and length2

Returned value

  • Line: TODO: the extrusion of the point. The result is a line.

Sample for all extrude signatures

PartBody\Point.1 = point(0mm, 0mm, 0mm)
PartBody\Line.1 = extrude(PartBody\Point.1, direction(`xy plane`), 5mm, 5mm, true)
PartBody\Surface.1 = extrude(PartBody\Line.1, direction(`yz plane`), 5mm, 5mm, true)
PartBody\Surface.2 = extrude(PartBody\Surface.1, direction(`zz plane`), 5mm, 5mm, true)


Creates a spline from several points.


spline(Point, ..): Curve


  • (Point): points the spline should pass through

Returned value

  • Curve: spline passing through the input points


PartBody\Point.1 = point(2mm,3mm,5mm)
PartBody\Point.2 = point(7mm,11mm,13mm)
PartBody\Point.3 = point(17mm,19mm,23mm)
PartBody\Curve.1 = spline(PartBody\Point.1 ,PartBody\Point.2 ,PartBody\Point.3 )


Creates the curve parallel to a given curve, located on a given support, at a given distance from the reference curve and whose corners are to be rounded or not, depending on what is specified.


curveparallel(crv: Curve, sur: Surface, offset: LENGTH, OptionalRoundMode: Boolean): Curve


  • crv(Curve): curve the result curve should be parallel to
  • sur(Surface): surface the reference and result curves are located on
  • offset(LENGTH): intended distance between the reference and result curves
  • OptionalRoundMode(Boolean): boolean to specify whether sharp corners are allowed on the result curve (false) or not (true; thus such corners are rounded)

Returned value

  • Curve: curve parallel to crv, located on sur, at a distance of offset from crv and whose corners are left sharp or rounded, depending on OptionalRoundMode's value