Object Functions

This package deals with the object functions.

This page discusses:



ExecuteVBResource(iARMPath : String, iFunctionToExecute : String, oReturnedValue : ObjectType [, iParameters : ObjectType, ..])


Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment
iARMPath In Yes String -
iFunctionToExecute In Yes String -
oReturnedValue In Yes ObjectType -
iParameters In No ObjectType -



RetrieveNamingParameters(Type : String, Prefix : String, Interfix : String, Suffix : String)


Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment
Type In Yes String -
Prefix Out Yes String -
Interfix Out Yes String -
Suffix Out Yes String -


In a baseline environment, when an object is created, the Name attribute is set automatically based on the following predefined format: Prefix-Interfix-Counter-Suffix. The Prefix, Interfix, Suffix, and separator (-) fields are characters string defined out-of-the-box that can be configured using the Configuration console (Manage People & Content). Prefix and Suffix are specific to a given type whereas Interfix and separator apply to all types of a given platform. The separator can have the following values:

  • "-"
  • "_"
  • "."
  • "/"
  • "+"
  • no separator at all.
The RetriveNamingParametersWithSeparator() function allows retrieving the different items of the naming scheme for an object type.


RetrieveNamingParametersWithSeparator(ModelingTypeName : String, NamingTypePrefix : String, SiteAffix : String, NamingTypeSuffix : String, Separator : String, AbbreviatedBaseType : String)


Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment
ModelingTypeName In Yes String The type (input) whose naming elements are sought.
NamingTypePrefix Out Yes String The first field of the naming format, specific to a given type. Notice that this prefix is initialized with the abbreviation defined for a given type (for example “prd” for type “Physical Product”).
SiteAffix Out Yes String common to all business types.
NamingTypeSuffix Out Yes String The end of the naming format, specific to a given type
Separator Out Yes String Character separating the various Naming Elements, common to all business types.
AbbreviatedBaseTypeName Out Yes String The base type for which an abbreviation is first defined in the inheritance path of the Modeling Type (see details below).


Let ModelingTypeName(String)
Let AbbreviatedBaseTypeName(String)
Let Separator(String) 
Let NamingTypePrefix(STRING)
Let SiteAffix(STRING)
Let NamingTypeSuffix(STRING)




Returns an object representing the type name passed in argument.


FindType(TypeName: String) : Type


Name Input / Output Required? Type Comment
TypeName In Yes String -




Enables to create objects based upon the object's type name. It enables to create a limited list of Applicative Objects:

  • 3D Part, 3D Shape, Product Reference, Drawing in Product Structure domain
  • Functional Reference, Logical Reference, and Logical Port in functional/logical domain
  • Geometric datum of following types (Curve, Surface, Point, Plane, Line, Circle)
  • VolatileInstance: an object that is local to the rule (with no persistency) enabling to hold attributes added dynamically with SetAttribute methods
Note: This function works at runtime, only with a DPX license. The license corresponding to the application is also necessary.


new(type: String, name: String, father: ObjectType [, freeArguments: ObjectType, ..]) : UndefinedType


Name Input / Output Required? Type Comment
type In Yes String Defines what kind of object must be created. It is a mandatory argument. The list of possible values is the following:
  • 3DPart, 3DShape, VPMReference, Drawing
  • RFLVPMLogicalReference, RFLPLMFunctionalReference, RFLVPMLogicalPort
  • Curve, Surface, Point, Plane, Line, Circle
  • VolatileInstance
Note: If you provide a wrong type name, an evaluation error will be raised (Error in the function new: first argument <type> is not an existing type) and the function returns a NULL value. If you provide a type that cannot be instantiated, an evaluation error will be raised (Error in the function new: first argument <type> is not a type that can be instantiated) and the function returns a NULL value. If you do not have the DPX license, an evaluation will be raised (Error in the function new: you do not have the runtime license to operate a new from the language).
name In Yes String Precises the name of the created object. If this area is left blank, the system automatically computes a default name.
father In Yes ObjectType Object where the new object is to be aggregated. It is not always mandatory. When a Father is set, the result of the New will be an Instance for PLM objects. When the father is unset, the result of the New will be a Reference for PLM objects.
Note: If a Father is precised, and if it already aggregates an object with the same name, the New method will not create another object. It simply returns the object.

Important: In case you try to aggregate an object under another one that does not support it, an evaluation error is raised (Error in the function new: impossible to create an object of type <type>under the object <father> of type <fatherType>).

This function returns a NULL value.

Important: Important: In case you try to aggregate an object under another one that does not support it, an evaluation error is raised (Error in the function new: impossible to create an object of type <type>under the object <father> of type <fatherType>). This function returns a NULL value.
freeArguments In No ObjectType -




let x(VPMReference)
x = new ("VPMReference","MyReference",NULL) /* creates a new VPMReference */