Type describing the actions created by when clicking Actions in Engineering Rules Capture.
Inheritance Path
ObjectType Feature AdvisorFeature AdvisorConnection AdvisorAction
AdvisorActionType describing the actions created by when clicking Actions in Engineering Rules Capture. Inheritance PathObjectType Feature AdvisorFeature AdvisorConnection AdvisorAction AdvisorCheckType describing the checks created when clicking Check in the Engineering Rules Capture app. Inheritance PathObjectType Feature AdvisorFeature AdvisorConnection AdvisorRootRelation AdvisorRelation AdvisorCheck Attributes
AdvisorConnectionType describing an object that references other objects. This type cannot be instantiated. Inheritance PathObjectType Feature AdvisorFeature AdvisorConnection Attributes
AdvisorEquivalentDimensionsType describing the checks created when clicking Equivalent
Dimensions Inheritance PathObjectType Feature AdvisorFeature AdvisorConnection AdvisorRootRelation AdvisorEquivalentDimensions Attributes
AdvisorFeatureType describing all Engineering Rules Capture features: Parameters, formulas and relations. Inheritance PathObjectType Feature AdvisorFeature AdvisorFormulaType describing the formulas created when clicking the Formula Inheritance PathObjectType Feature AdvisorFeature AdvisorConnection AdvisorRootRelation AdvisorRelation AdvisorFormula AdvisorLawType describing the law created when clicking Law in Engineering Rules Capture. Inheritance PathObjectType Feature AdvisorFeature AdvisorConnection AdvisorLaw AdvisorMacrosSetType describing the macros with arguments created when clicking the Macro
with arguments icon Inheritance PathObjectType Feature AdvisorFeature AdvisorMacrosSet AdvisorParameterSetType describing the sets of parameters created by clicking Add Set of Parameters in the Engineering Rules Capture app. Inheritance PathObjectType Feature AdvisorFeature AdvisorParameterSet AdvisorReactionType describing the reactions created when clicking the Reaction icon in the Engineering Rules Capture app. Inheritance PathObjectType Feature AdvisorFeature AdvisorConnection AdvisorRootRelation AdvisorReaction Attributes
AdvisorRelationType describing all relations. Inheritance PathObjectType Feature AdvisorFeature AdvisorConnection AdvisorRootRelation AdvisorRelation Attributes
AdvisorRelationSetType describing the sets of relations created when clicking Add Set of
Relations Inheritance PathObjectType Feature AdvisorFeature AdvisorRelationSet AdvisorRootRelationType describing all Engineering Rules Capture relations. Inheritance PathObjectType Feature AdvisorFeature AdvisorConnection AdvisorRootRelation Attributes
AdvisorRuleType describing the rules created when clicking Rule Inheritance PathObjectType Feature AdvisorFeature AdvisorConnection AdvisorRootRelation AdvisorRelation AdvisorRule AdvisorSetOfEquationsType describing the sets of equations created when clicking Set of Equations in Engineering Rules Capture. Inheritance PathObjectType Feature AdvisorFeature AdvisorConnection AdvisorRootRelation AdvisorRelation AdvisorSetOfEquations Attributes
DTLotusSheetTypeType describing the Lotus design tables. Inheritance PathObjectType Feature AdvisorFeature DTSheetType DTLotusSheetType DTModelSheetTypeType describing the sheet stored in the model. In this case, the results are stored in the model. Inheritance PathObjectType Feature AdvisorFeature DTSheetType DTModelSheetType DTSheetTypeType describing the Excel design tables. Inheritance PathObjectType Feature AdvisorFeature DTSheetType Attributes
MethodsThe following methods are associated with this type: DTTextSheetTypeType describing the .txt design tables. Inheritance PathObjectType Feature AdvisorFeature DTSheetType DTTextSheetType DesignTableTypeType describing the design tables created when clicking the Design Table icon in the Engineering Rules Capture app. Inheritance PathObjectType Feature AdvisorFeature AdvisorConnection AdvisorRootRelation DesignTableType Attributes
DocumentTemplateType describing the document templates created in the PKT app. Inheritance PathObjectType Feature AdvisorFeature DocumentTemplate InternalParameterInheritance PathObjectType Literal InternalParameter KWANamedURLType describing the URL that you can add to a relation by clicking the Comment and URLs icon in the Engineering Rules Capture app. Inheritance PathObjectType Feature KWANamedURL KnowledgePatternType describing the patterns created when clicking Knowledge
Pattern Inheritance PathObjectType Feature AdvisorFeature AdvisorConnection AdvisorAction KnowledgePattern ProductTableTypeType describe the product table. Inheritance PathObjectType Feature AdvisorFeature ProductTableType Attributes
RelationArgumentType describing the relation argument. Inheritance PathObjectType Feature RelationArgument VBScriptType describing the scripts created when clicking the Visual Basic Action icon. Inheritance PathObjectType Feature AdvisorFeature VBScript |