CATKwdDialog.Action() Method used to programmatically perform an action. - Signature CATKwdDialog.Action(iActionName : String) Arguments Name Input/Output Required? Type Comment iActionName In String Name of the action you want to perform. The action can be one of the following: Apply Cancel Close OK
CATKwdDialog.SendSpecialEvent() Signature CATKwdDialog.SendSpecialEvent(iEvtName: String) Arguments Name Input / Output Required? Type Comment iEvtName In Yes String
CATKwdFrameUsage.GetVariablesValuesFromFrame() Signature CATKwdFrameUsage.GetVariablesValuesFromFrame(iInOutNeutral: String) Arguments Name Input / Output Required? Type Comment iInOutNeutral In Yes String -
CATKwdFrameUsage.PutVariablesValuesToFrame() Signature CATKwdFrameUsage.PutVariablesValuesToFrame(iInOutNeutral: String) Arguments Name Input / Output Required? Type Comment iInOutNeutral In Yes String -