XCAD Functions

You can navigate XCADBaseDependency relationship with EKL (Enterprise Knowledge Language). The PLMReference objects pointed through XCADNonPSDependencyLinks can be retrieved.

To retrieve pointed design table with dependency link, you must:

  • Create a part with a design table in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform
  • Deploy the business rule on the server.

This page discusses:


GetXCADPointed(iPointingObject : Type="PLMEntity"/>) : List


Name Input / Output Required? Type Comment
"iPointingObject"  In Yes Type="PLMEntity"/> 
Note: An error message appears if the object is not a PLMReference or PLMRepresentationReference.




Let oPointedObjects (List)
Let lNbPointed (Integer)

Trace(1, "inside script")
Trace(1, "Element : #", (ThisObject : BusinessType).PrimaryType.Name)
oPointedObjects = GetXCADPointed(ThisObject)

Trace(1,"test Rule executed")

lNbPointed = oPointedObjects.Size()
Trace(1, "lNbPointed: " + lNbPointed)
if (lNbPointed == 0) 
  Trace(1,"test Rule refused")

Profile Card

There is a profile card published for this function.

Function.Signature = GetXCADPointed@PLMEntity

Function.Visibility = Visible

Function.Arg1 = ConstantRead