LogicalToPhysical Types

This topic provides you with information about logical to physical types.

This page discusses:


This type corresponds to the ThisObject parameter in all the business rules used by the Logical to Physical Assistant.

Inheritance Path



Name Type Comment
Facet1DLogical RequirementOccurrence -
Facet1DPhysical RequirementOccurrence -
Facet2D LogicalOccurrence Logical object
Facet3D ProductOccurrence Physical object
Family String Type of the L2PItem
ListCustoAttrNames List -
ListCustoAttrValues List -
Parent3D ProductOccurrence or Feature Parent of the physical object
SynchronizationStatus String -
SystemName String Name of the logical system


Inheritance Path



Name Type Comment
Current3DDevice Feature Physical device to which the physical connector is connected in 3D.
Current3DPort Feature Physical port to which the physical connector is connected in 3D.
Expected3DDevice Feature Physical device to which the physical connector should be connected based on logical connections.
Expected3DPort Feature Physical port to which the physical connector should be connected based on logical connections.
Expected3DrefType String Expected 3D Reference object type name.


Inheritance Path



Name Type Comment
Expected3DReference VPMReference -
ListComputed3DRef List List containing references computed from logical pre-defined part number.
Predefined3DSpace ProductOccurrence Space reference assigned to the logical object. If the space instance is found, it will be returned.


Inheritance Path



Name Type Comment
ExpectedSegregation String Segregation value retrieved from logical wire.
CurrentSegregation String Segregation value retrieved from 3D wire or wire group.
ExpectedExternalDiameter LENGTH External Diameter value retrieved from logical wire.
CurrentExternalDiameter LENGTH External Diameter value retrieved 3D wire or wire group.
ExpectedBendRadius LENGTH Bend radius value retrieved from logical wire.
CurrentBendRadius LENGTH Bend radius value retrieved from 3D wire or wire group.
ExpectedLinearMass LINEMASS Linear mass value retrieved from logical wire.
CurrentLinearMass LINEMASS Linear mass value retrieved from 3D wire or wire group.
ExpectedSubType String Subtype value retrieved from logical wire.
CurrentSubType String Subtype value retrieved from 3D wire or wire group.
ExpectedColor String Color value retrieved from logical wire.
CurrentColor String Color value retrieved from 3D wire or wire group.
ExpectedReferencePartNumber String Predefined part number retrieved from logical wire.
CurrentReferencePartNumber String Reference Part number retrieved from 3D wire or wire group.
ExpectedFromDevice L2PItem 3D Device/ Space retrieved from logical wire or cable at cable From end.
CurrentFromDevice L2PItem 3D Device/ Space retrieved from 3D facet at cable From end
ExpectedFromCavity VPMPort Cavity on 3D Device/Space retrieved from logical wire or cable at cable From end.
CurrentFromCavity VPMPort Cavity on 3D Device/ Space retrieved from 3D wire at From end.
ExpectedToDevice L2PItem 3D Device/ Space retrieved from logical wire or cable at cable To end.
CurrentToDevice L2PItem 3D Device/ Space retrieved from 3D wire To end.
ExpectedToCavity VPMPort Cavity on 3D Device/Space retrieved from logical wire or cable at cable To end.
CurrentToCavity VPMPort Cavity on 3D Device/ Space retrieved from 3D wire at To end.
ExpectedFrom3DSpace VPMReference Title of the 3D Space computed for device at From end, during the ANALYSIS step.
ExpectedTo3DSpace VPMReference Title of the 3D Space computed for device at To end, during the ANALYSIS step.
FeatureType String EKL type of feature (existing or to be created) i.e. “Conductor” or “Conductor Group” for wire or wire group feature respectively.