V_WCG_Declared_COGx | Real | Represents the declared x value (in m) of the center of gravity (local axis of the object). This attribute is writable. |
V_WCG_Declared_COGy | Real | Represents the declared y value (in m) of the center of gravity (local axis of the object). This attribute is writable. |
V_WCG_Declared_COGz | Real | Represents the declared z value (in m) of the center of gravity (local axis of the object). This attribute is writable. |
V_WCG_Declared_Comment | String | Adds a comment. This attribute is writable. |
V_WCG_Declared_Moment_X_axis | Real | Represents the declared moment of inertia along the X axis (in kg.m2). This attribute is writable. |
V_WCG_Declared_Moment_Y_axis | Real | Represents the declared moment of inertia along the Y axis (in kg.m2). This attribute is writable. |
V_WCG_Declared_Moment_Z_axis | Real | Represents the declared moment of inertia along the Z axis (in kg.m2). This attribute is writable. |
V_WCG_Declared_Product_Inertia_X_Y_axis | Real | Represents the declared product of inertia regarding the X and Y axis (in kg.m2). This attribute is writable. |
V_WCG_Declared_Product_Inertia_X_Z_axis | Real | Represents the declared product of inertia regarding the X and Z axis (in kg.m2). This attribute is writable. |
V_WCG_Declared_Product_Inertia_Y_Z_axis | Real | Represents the declared product of inertia regarding the Y and Z axis (in kg.m2). This attribute is writable. |
V_WCG_Declared_Surface | Real | Represents the declared surface of the object (in m2). This attribute is writable. |
V_WCG_Declared_Volume | Real | Represents the declared volume of the object (in m3). This attribute is writable. |