
This section provides you with information related to the lists you can use in EKL. The use of brackets [...] is possible on the client only. The indices of list items start at 1.

This page discusses:

Collections of Lists

EKL provides a unique collection object called List that can be used to handle lists, arrays and structures. There is no type checking in collections, they can contain any kind of object or value, including NULL. There are lot of methods to fill and manipulate such collections.

To access an element of the list, you can use either the GetItem(<index>) method or the [<index>] access.

Some functions/methods use EKL expressions to provide query/filter functionality based on complex criteria

Example 1

Let l, l2 (List)
l = List(1, 2, 3, 4)
l2 = l +l  // l contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4

let i (integer)
i = l2[3] // equivalent to i = l2->GetItem(3)

let l3 (List)
l3.Append(List(2, 3, 5, 7))
l3.Append(List(11, 13, 17, 19))

i = l3[2][3] // i = 17 : second list, third element

// lst being a list containing different wireframe geometries including surfaces
let filtered (List)
filtered = lst.Filter(“Surface” , “area(x)  > 10mm2”) 
// filtered list contains only surfaces whose area is stricly superior to 10mm2

Example 2

let l, l2 (List)
l2.Init(10, 1)
l2.Init(10, 2)
Notify("", l[1][10]) // will show 1
l[1][1] = 3
l[1][5] = 4
Notify("# #", l[1][1], l[1][5]) // will show 3 4

List Type




Let lst (List)
Message("#", lst[1])
lst[1] = "wheel"

List Functions

List functions are used to manage lists of parameters, pads ... They enable you to create lists, add items to the list, remove items from the list, retrieve values from the list, move elements of the list to another position, filter, and to copy the content of a list into another one. These functions are available in the Formula, the Rule and in the Action editors.


Operator enabling you to add two lists and to return a third one. Adding two lists means concatenating the elements of the two lists and affecting the result to the returned list. The elements of the first list will be at the beginning of the resulting list. The order of the elements is kept. This operator works on list of objects (persistent or not) or on list of values (persistent or not). If the operation required is not feasible (for example, trying to fill a persistent list with a non persistent value), evaluation errors are raised. There is no simplification of the list (an element can be there twice after the operation).


+(List1: List, List2: List) : List


Name Input / Output Required? Type Comment
List1 In Yes List
List2 In Yes List




Let L1(List) 
						Let L2(List) 
						Let L3(List) 


Function used to copy the content of a list and paste it in another list.


Copy(List: List) : List


Name Input / Output Required? Type Comment
List In Yes List






Function used to create a list.


List([Next: ObjectType, ..]) : List


Name Input / Output Required? Type Comment
Next In No ObjectType




let L1(List) 
						L1= List(Item1,Item2,Item3)

List Methods


Method used to return a list of strings corresponding to the name of the available attributes for a given object. The generated list depends not only on the Object Type but also on the object itself. That is to say, this method may return attributes that have been added dynamically to the object, through the Parameter Explorer command or through the SetAttribute method.

When adding integer or string attributes to faces, this method returns the attributes names and the face default values: the Color, Name, UserInfoComment and the integers Layer, Transparency.


Feature.ListAttributeNames(TypeFilter: String, DynamicOnly:
 Boolean) : List


Name Input / Output Required? Type Comment
TypeFilter In Yes String
DynamicOnly In Yes Boolean



Example 1

let x(List)
let s=""
let sfinal = ""
x = Product -> ListAttributeNames ("String",false)
for s in x
sfinal = sfinal + Product -> GetAttributeString (s)

Example 2

let attributes (List)
let pad(GeometricFeature)
let faces (List)
let face (CATFace)

set pad=PartBody\Pad.1
faces = pad->GetSubElements(2) 
set face = faces[1]

/* Create 2 attributes on a pad face */
face->SetAttributeInteger("IntegerAttr",5) /* Creates an integer attribute of value 5 */
face->SetAttributeString("StringAttr","Value1") /* Creates an integer attribute of value Value1 */

/* Modify attribute values */

/* Read and display attribute values */
Message("IntegerAttr " , face->GetAttributeInteger("IntegerAttr")) 
Message("AttrString " , face->GetAttributeString("StringAttr"))

/* List the attributes */	


Method used to add an item to the list. If the index is equal to 0, the new item is added at the end of the list. If the index is equal to 1, the new item is inserted into the list at the location indicated by the index, meaning that the item is replaced with the new one and is therefore removed from the list. It is recommended to use the InsertItem method.


List.AddItem(Object: ObjectType, Index: Integer)


Name Input / Output Required? Type Comment
Object In Yes ObjectType
Index In Yes Integer


let list (List) 
						list -> AddItem(PartBody\Hole.2 ,1) 
						list -> AddItem(PartBodyHole.3 ,2) 


Method used to add an item at the end of the list.


List.Append(Object: ObjectType)


Name Input / Output Required? Type Comment
Object In Yes ObjectType Object to insert into the list.


Method used to apply a given expression to the objects of a list that are of a given type.In this expression, the element of the list is represented by a variable named x.


List.Apply(Type: String, Expression: String)


Name Input / Output Required? Type Comment
Type In Yes String
Expression In Yes String


//Finds all rule bases and executes them 
//P being Part Feature 
/* Finding a value */  
let L (List)
L = P  ->  Query("Rulebase","")
L   ->   Apply ("RuleBase","x -> Update()")


Function used to compute the result of an operation performed all the elements of the list. It is available for Actions, Reactions and in Quality Rules Reuse. There are two usages for this method:

  • On lists of values, it simply computes an operation on the values (+, min, max)
  • On list of objects, it will compute an operation on results of expressions on the object.


List.Compute(Operation: String, Type: String, 
Expression: String, Result: UndefinedType)


Name Input / Output Required? Type Comment
Operation In Yes String
Type In Yes String
Expression In Yes String
Result Out Yes UndefinedType

Example 1

List.1 ->Compute("+","","",Length.1)

The example above sums all the values of the list:


  • List.1 is the name of the list on which the calculation will be performed
  • + is the operator used. (Supported operators are: +, min, and max.)
  • The first string must be empty to indicate that we work on list of values.
  • The second String must also be empty when working on list of values.
  • Length.1 is the output parameter.

Example 2

List.1 -> Compute("+","Hole","x.Diameter+x.Depth",Length.1)

The example above sums all the addition of the diameter and the depth of all holes in the list. Where:

  • List.1 is the name of the list on which the calculation will be performed.
  • + is the operator used. (Supported operators are: +, min, and max.)
  • The first string contains the expected type of the objects of the list (in this case, it is a list of holes).
  • The second String contains a formula that will be computed on each element of the list (holes in this case) and that will return a value. In this expression the variable x is used to represent the element in the list. One can then access its attributes for instance.

Length.1 is the output parameter.


Method used to extract the items of a given type.


List.Extract(Type: String, TypeOutput: String,
 Expression: String) : List


Name Input / Output Required? Type Comment
Type In Yes String Knowledge types considered by the extract function meaning that the list is first filtered to take only elements of a given type into account. The type can be a value type or an object type.
TypeOutput In Yes String Type of the object produced by the Extract method. The output list contains the objects of this given type. The type can be a value type or an object type.
Expression In Yes String Knowledge rule expression with two arguments, x of type Type and y of type TypeOutput. The expression must valuates y depending on the expression computed on x. The expression can use the if, else, for, let keywords like in a rule.




Let L1(List) 
						Let L2(List) 
						L2=L1 -> Extract("Hole","LENGTH","y=x.Diameter+x.Depth")

In this example, we produce a list in output that is the extraction of the sum of the diameter and the depth of the holes in the list.


Method used to filter a list of objects by extracting the objects that fulfill a Boolean expression.


List.Filter(Type: String, Condition: String) : List


Name Input / Output Required? Type Comment
Type In Yes String Type of the objects that the user wants to extract (it can be "". In this case, no filtering is done on types).
Condition In Yes String Boolean expression that must fulfill the objects of this given type. In this expression "x" is used as the variable name of type TypeName. This string can be equal to "". In this case, no expression is checked.




I = (List -> Filter("Hole","x.Diameter > 3mm")).Size() 
						I = (List -> Filter("Hole","")).Size()


Method used to retrieve a value/item from the list. (Index from 1).

Important: By default, GetItem can return any object. As a consequence, it is mandatory to insert the result of the GetItem method in a local variable. This is necessary to:
  • Test if the variable is NULL i.e. the object is not of the expected type
  • Avoid uncertainties. For example, if you write length(List.GetItem(i)), the system chooses the length function either on curves or on edges.


List.GetItem(Index: Integer) : UndefinedType


Name Input / Output Required? Type Comment
Index In Yes Integer




Method used to return the first index of a list item. The item is searched for from the start index.


List.IndexOf(Element: ObjectType, StartIndex: Integer) : Integer


Name Input / Output Required? Type Comment
Element In Yes ObjectType
StartIndex In Yes Integer




Method used to insert an item into the list.


List.InsertItem(Object: ObjectType, Index: Integer)


Name Input / Output Required? Type Comment
Object In Yes ObjectType Object to insert into the list.
Index In Yes Integer Location of the object to be inserted into the list (Starts at 1).


Method used to get the intersection of two lists of objects. Optional criteria can be used to get only objects that are in both lists and that respect the condition.


List1.Intersect(List2 : List [, Type : String, Expression : String]) : List


NameInput / OutputRequired?TypeComment
List1OutYesListList to which the intersection is applied.
TypeInNoStringBoth lists are filtered to take only elements of a given type into account. The type can be a value type or an object type.
ExpressionInNoStringBoolean expression that must fulfill the objects of this given type. In this expression “x” is used as the variable name of Type type. The expression can use the following operators:
  • mathematical: +, /, etc...
  • comparison: ==, >, ...
  • logical: AND, OR, ...

This string can be equal to "". In this case, no expression is checked.




Let L1, L2, L3 (List)
L3 = L1.Intersect(L2, “HOle”, “x.Diameter == 15mm”)

Note: L3 = L1.Intersect(L2) generates a result list containing {X1, X3, X6, X13, X15}. If the result is not refined using a criterion, the result is a simple intersection (with common elements) of the two lists.


Method used to find elements of a list that verifies a criterion between elements of this list and elements of another list.


List1.Junction(List2 : List, TypeList1 : String, TypeList2 : String, Expression : String) : List


NameInput / OutputRequired?TypeComment
List1InYesListList to which the junction is applied.
List2InYesListSecond list needed to apply junction functionality on a list.
TypeList1InYesStringFirst list is filtered to take only elements of a given type into account. The type can be a value type or an object type.
TypeList2InYesStringSecond list is filtered to take only elements of a given type into account. The type can be a value type or an object type.

Knowledge rule expression with two arguments:

  • x of TypeList1 type for the first list
  • y of TypeList2 type for the second list

The expression must be valuated depending on x and y under the form x.att == y.att. The expression can use the following operators:

  • mathematical: +, /, etc...
  • comparison: ==, >, ...
  • logical: AND, OR, ...
The expression cannot be "".

TypeList3OutYesListOutput list.




Let L1, L2n L3 (List)
L3 = L1.Junction(L2, “Hole”, “Hole”, “x.Diameter == y.Depth AND y.Diameter > 10mm”)

In the above example, the result returned is a list of the Holes (Xi) of L1 whose diameter is equal to the Depth of a Hole (Ei) of L2 and only if the hole diameter is greater than 10mm.


Method used to empty the list.




Method used to modify the content of the list by extracting the duplicated elements. When the list references objects (features and parameters), it removes the duplicated reference to the objects. When the list references volatile values, it removes the equivalent values.

Note: This method does not have the same behavior on lists of parameters and on lists of values. On Lists of parameters, it removes the parameter that are present twice in the list. On lists of values, it removes the values that have the same value.




Method used to remove an item from the list.Index is the location of the object to be removed in the list. The index starts at 1.


List.RemoveItem(Index: Integer)


Name Input / Output Required? Type Comment
Index In Yes Integer
Note: To view an example, import the Sample_extra.3dxml file located in win_b64\startup\Knowledgeware\PKT Samples\Sapmle1 in the installation folder.


Method used to move an element of the list referenced by its position to a new position. The position starts at 1.


List.ReorderItem(Current: Integer, Target: Integer) : UndefinedType


Name Input / Output Required? Type Comment
Current In Yes Integer
Target In Yes Integer




Method used to replace an item in the list.


List.SetItem(Object: ObjectType, Index: Integer)


Name Input / Output Required? Type Comment
Object In Yes ObjectType Object to insert into the list.
Index In Yes Integer Location of the object to be replaced in the list. In this case, the object to be replaced is deleted. Index starts at 1.


Method used to return the number of items contained in the list.


List.Size() : Integer




Method used to sort lists. It operates the sort based on a criteria that corresponds to an extraction (see previous method).


List.Sort(Operator: String, Type: String, TypeOutput: String, Expression: String) : List


Name Input / Output Required? Type Comment
Operator In Yes String Accepted values are "<", ">". These operators are used to sort the list.
Type In Yes String Type of the list objects taken into account. It can be a type of value or a type of object. The type must be indicated because it is used to validate the expression. All objects of the list should be inheriting from this type.
TypeOutput In Yes String Type of the object produced using the sort method. The output list contains objects of this given type. The type can only be a value type. It can be a Real or a String.
Expression In Yes String Knowledge rule expression with two arguments, x of type Type and y of type TypeOutput. The expression must valuate y depending on the expression computed on x. The expression can the if, else, for, let keywords like in a rule.The expression can be empty if the list is a list of values.

  • If the operator is not equal to ">" or "<", an evaluation error is raised.
  • If Type or TypeOutput is not a recognized type, an evaluation error is raised.
  • This method does not operate on the list itself but produces the sorted list in output. As a consequence, to solve the problem, we should have created a new List and valuated it with: NewList = FilletRadius -> Sort(>,LENGTH,LENGTH,)




NewList = HoleList  ->  Sort(">","LENGTH","LENGTH","y=x.Diameter")			
This example sorts a list of holes based on their diameter.


Method used to split a list in more than one list depending on criteria.


List.Split(Type : String, ReturnType : String, Expression : String) : List


NameInput / OutputRequired?TypeComment
List1InYesListList to which the split is applied.
TypeInYesStringThe list is filtered to take only elements of a given type into account. The type can be a value type or an object type.
ReturnTypeInYesStringType of the returned values. For example, a length will be returned in mm.

Knowledge rule expression with two arguments:

x of Type type of the list

y of ReturnType type that specifies the return type of the attribute

The expression must be valuated depending on x and y under the form: y = x.att.

Expression should not be "".




Let L1, L3 (List) //we declare L3 as a list, but it is good to remember that L3 will be a list of lists.
L3 = L1.Split(“Hole”, “Length”, “y = x.Diameter”)
ReferenceDiameter (attribute of length type)101286
Note: For understanding purposes, find below the expected result showing the contents of each list. ListA, ListB, ListC, ListD and ListE do not need to be typed in the script.
L1 = {Hole1, Hole2, Hole3, Hole4, Hole5, Hole6} 	
L3 = {ListA, ListB, ListC, ListD, ListE}
ListA = {10, 12, 8, 6}     
ListB = {Hole1, Hole5}	
ListC = {Hole2, Hole4}	    
ListD = {Hole3}	
ListE = {Hole6}
The first list of L3 (ListA) contains the values of the diameters. Its size is equal to the number of splits (the number of lists that contains elements with the same attribute value). ListA is sorted according to the split results (ListB, ListC, ListD and ListE). Other lists contain objects with the same diameter value.


Method used to remove objects from a list depending on another list.


List1.Subtract(List2 : List [, Type : String, Expression : String]) : List


NameInput / OutputRequired?TypeComment
List1InYesListList to which the subtraction is applied.
TypeInNoStringBoth lists are filtered to take only elements of a given type into account. The type can be a value type or an object type.
ExpressionInNoStringBoolean expression that must fulfill the objects of this given type. In this expression "x" is used as the variable name of Type type.

The expression can use the following operators:

  • mathematical: +, /, etc...
  • comparison: ==, >, ...
  • logical: AND, OR, ...

This string can be equal to "". In this case, no expression is checked.




Let L1, L2, L3 (List)
L3 = L1.Subtract(L2, “Hole”, “x.Diameter == 15mm”)

Note: The result of L3=L1.Subtract(L2) is the same as the "-" operator.