Arithmetic operators
operators that perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
+ |
Addition operator (also concatenates strings) |
- |
Subtraction operator |
* |
Multiplication operator |
/ |
Division operator |
** |
Exponentiation operator |
Assignment Operator
= |
Can be used with values, enumerates, objects (object A = object
B if B is a subtype of A).
This operator is not available in the Set of Equations editor.
Logical Operators
and |
Logical conjunction on two expressions |
or |
Logical disjunction on two expressions |
not |
A function that takes a boolean in input and returns the other
value true → false,
false → true. |
Lazy evaluation is implemented.
- Given the following expression:
predicate1 and predicate2
, where
can be any expression returning a Boolean value. If
equals false
is not evaluated.
- Given the following expression:
predicate1 or predicate2
. If
equals true
is not evaluated.
Comparison Operators
<> |
Not equal to (Applies to values and objects) |
== |
Equal to (Applies to values and objects) |
>= |
Greater or equal to (Applies to values only) |
<= |
Less than or equal to (Applies to values only) |
< |
Less than (Applies to values only) |
> |
Greater than (Applies to values only) |
Type Operator
: |
Equivalent to the set keyword. |
Ternary Operator
"predicate ? rightvalue1 ;
rightvalue2" |
Provides EKL users with an abbreviated form of the if
... then ... else syntax. It also lets users introduce conditions in formulas.
rightvalue stands for any expression that can be placed
at the right of an assignment.
- Example
let x (Integer)
x = (2==2) ? 1 ; 3
Example 2:
Let p,q,r (Point)
r = distance(p,q)> 2mm ? point(7mm,8mm,9mm) ; point(10mm,11mm,12mm)
- The ternary expression is a right-hand side
let x(Integer)
X= (2==2) ? 3 ; 3
- Lists are not supported by this operator, but you can use a
let l(list)
let x(Integer)
l = List(1,2)
X= (2==2) ? l->GetItem(1):Integer ; l->GetItem(2):Integer
- The two right value terms should have a common type. In the
following example 1 and 2mm have the real type in
let x(Integer)
x= (2==2) ? 1 ; 2mm
Operators and Strings
You can use the +,-,*,= operators with strings.
String + Real, Real + String, String + Boolean, Boolean + String
returns a string.In the example below, +
is also valid for any
subtype of Real.
s = "TestString" + 555 // s==”TestString555”
s = "TestString" + 55m_s // s == “TestString55m_s”
String - String :
Returns a string and removes the occurrences of
the second string (right) the first string (left). This operator multiplies the string a
number of times equal to the value of the Integer.
s = 5 * "TestString" // s == TestStringTestStringTestStringTestStringTestString
Integer * String, String * Integer
returns a = "TestAAABBBCCCDDDDDTest" – “DDD” // ss == TestAAABBBCCCDDTest
ss = " TestAAABBBCCCDDDAAATest " – “AAA” // ss == TestBBBCCCDDDTest
String = Real or String = Boolean
. This operation allows your to
define a String directly from a Real (or a sub-type of Real) or Boolean without using
the toString function.Let s(String)
s = true // s=="true”
s = 55m_s // s==”55m_s”