Using the Expression Edition Assistant

You can use the Expression Edition Assistant if you need assistance when writing expressions containing functions.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: You must have opened a script editor.

Write an Expression

You can write an expression using the assistant.

  1. In the script editor, enter a function and hit Ctrl + Space.
  2. Select Start condition editor.
    The Expression editor opens and displays in the Members of All column the variables available in the main editor as well as an x variable.
  3. Write the expression using the available variables. Click OK when done.
    The expression is converted into a string and added to the original script.

Edit an Expression

You can modify an existing expression using the assistant.

  1. In the script editor, position the cursor at the very beginning of the expression and hit Ctrl + Space.
  2. Select Start condition editor.
    T he Expression editor opens.
  3. Edit your script and click OK when done.
    The expression is converted into a string and added to the original script.