In Derived Format Converter, a derived output is generated for the selected
CAD object. For every conversion, a conversion report is generated. All the
conversion reports that belong to the same job are grouped.
During the conversion process, a folder is created for each job within the
CATReport directory. This folder contains all conversion reports generated while
the job is processing and the folder is named as
. The report contains conversion details for
all the iterations and error details, if any. The job conversion status is seen
in 3DEXPERIENCE in the Background Jobs page. The log column of the
Background Jobs page mentions the computer name and
path of the folder where the reports are saved.
In case of SLDPRT to linkable CATPart conversion, if the SLDPRT has multiple
configurations, conversion reports are generated for each SLDPRT configuration.
All the conversion reports are generated in a single job process, and stored in
the associated job folder. In the log file, the path for the first configuration
is listed.
- 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA design data, which have the polyhedral feature is not
converted to the ExactGeometry linkable derived output.
- When you convert 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA design data, which has the polyhedral
feature data to the ExactGeometry linkable derived output asynchronously,
the error message related to polyhedral geometry is added in the
DWCConverterReport.err file. This file is generated during the conversion
process, in the folder created for the corresponding Derived Output Job
within the CATReport directory.
- The status of the ExactGeometry linkable derived output format is displayed
as failed in the derived outputs.