What's New

This page describes recent changes in Validation Management.

R2022x FD01 (FP.2205)

Assuring Consistency Between Review Validation State and Check Status

A warning is now displayed in the user interface if the validation state of the review is not consistent with the status of its checks.
In the Validation table, a new column displays the warning icon () along with the reason for the text for the warning.
Benefits: The consistency between the review's validation state and the status of its checks ensure that all the checks are in the Passed state before validating the review.

Tabs for Applicative Properties

You can now access the review and interference simulation properties from the following new tabs, in the information panel:
  • Checks: Lists all the checks under the review. The check properties can be read and modified from this tab.
  • Highlights: Lists all the highlights under the review. The highlight properties can be read and modified from this tab.
  • Context: Lists the selected interference simulation context information (including the group ones). This information cannot be edited from this tab.
  • Specification: Lists the selected interference simulation specification information. This information cannot be edited from this tab.
Benefits: These tabs ease the validation process for the digital mockup by providing quick read/write access to review and interference simulation properties.