About Issue and Change Action

You can generate a change action or an issue from a review or one or more highlights. This topic lists important points about issue or change action generation in Design Review for Dashboard.

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
Generating Issues and Change Actions

Issue Generation from a Review

When an issue is generated from a review, the following parameters are specified to the following values by default:
  • In the Title box, the title of the issue is the same as the review title.
  • In the Description box, the description of the issue is the same as the review description. If the review has an empty description, the issue description is <filter name> (<Root product name>). If there is no filter linked to the context, then the description is <Root product name>.
  • Under Attachments, the review is added.
  • Under Issue Reported against, all the validated objects (if any) or the context and the filter (if any) are listed.
  • Under Issue Contexts, the review context product and the filter (if any) are added.
  • Under Issue Assignees, the owners of the objects under Issue Reported against are listed.

Issue Generated from a Highlight

When an issue is generated from one or several highlights, the following parameters are specified to the following values by default:
  • In the Title box, the title of the issue is the same as the title of the highlight. If several highlights are involved, the name of one of these highlights is used as the issue title.
  • In the Description box, the description of the issue is the same as the highlight description. If several highlights are involved, the description of one of these highlights is used as the issue's description. If the highlights have empty descriptions, the issue description is <filter name> (<Root product name>). If there is no filter linked to the context, then the description is <Root product name>.
  • Under Attachments, the highlights concerned with the issue are added.
  • Under Issue Reported against, all the validated objects (if any) or the context and the filter (if any) are listed.
  • Under Issue Contexts, the review context product and the filter (if any) are added.

Change Action Generation from Review

When a change action is generated from a review, the following parameters are specified to the following values by default:
  • In the Title box, the title of the change action is the same as the review title.
  • In the Description box, the description of the issue is the same as the review description. If the review has an empty description, the issue description is <filter name> (<Root product name>). If there is no filter linked to the context, then the description is <Root product name>.
  • Under CA Referential, the concerned review is added.
  • Under CA Proposed Changes, all the validated objects (if any) or the context and the filter (if any) are listed.
  • Under CA Contexts, the review context product and the filter (if any) are added.
  • Under CA Assignees, the owners of the proposed changes are listed.

Change Action Generation from a Highlight

When a change action is generated from one or several highlights, the following parameters are specified to the following values by default:
  • In the Title box, the title of the change action is the same as the title of the highlight. If several highlights are involved, the name of one of these highlights is used as the change action title.
  • In the Description box, the description of the change action is the same as the highlight description. If several highlights are involved, the description of one of these highlights is used as the change action's description. If the highlights have empty descriptions, the issue description is <filter name> (<Root product name>). If there is no filter linked to the context, then the description is <Root product name>.
  • Under CA Referential, the concerned highlights are added.
  • Under CA Proposed Changes, all the validated objects (if any) or the context and the filter (if any) are listed.
  • Under CA Contexts, the review context product and the filter (if any) are added.
  • Under CA Assignees, the owners of the proposed changes are listed.
Note: When a change action is generated from an object, a verification is performed to check if an issue is already related to it. If so, then the created change action is attached to the Resolved By field of this issue, to ensure traceability.