Creating a Review Feature

You can create a review feature to review or validate a product.

In Design Validation you can create a review even when a context is not loaded, this review becomes a review template and only limited commands are available for templates.

Before you begin:
  • Open a product, a part, or a filtered product to be reviewed. For more information on data to be reviewed, see About Loading Objects.
  • From the Tools section of the action bar, click Preferences, and change or confirm the state of the check boxes under review. For more information, see Table 1.
See Also
In Other Guides
About Review Features
  1. From the Review section of the action bar, click Review .
  2. In the Review dialog box, enter the title and the description for the review. Click Ok.

    If several products are loaded, the Select a context list is available in the dialog box. You can select a product as the context for the markup.

    Important: To see the Review dialog box, the Display review creation dialog check box must be selected. For more information, see .
    Note: You can change the title and description of a review using one of the following methods:
    • From the Tools section of the action bar, click Properties .
    • In the review and markups panel, click and select Properties .
    For more information, see Properties and Information.

    A review is created. Depending on the preference state, a markup with a slide is also created under the review. In this case, a slide panel is also displayed.
  3. Optional: In the Review tab of the review panel, change the validation state for the markup, whenever required.

    For more information, see Review Information.

    A dialog box appears for changing the validation state.
  4. Optional: Click Review Markup .
    A markup feature is created and a markup is added in the Review tab of the review panel.