Editing App Specific Preferences

You can customize the app specific preferences for Design Validation.

Note: Depending on your role and the widget: you are working in, you may not have access to all functionality.

  1. From the Tools section of the action bar, click Preferences .
  2. In the Preferences dialog box, specify your preferences.

    You can specify the preferences described in the following tables:

    Table 1. Review
    Option Description
    Display review creation dialog box Displays the review creation check box.

    By default, this check box is selected.

    Note: The review creation dialog box is displayed irrespective of the state of this preference if the following conditions apply:
    • Several roots are loaded in the session.
    • A review is already open in the session.
    Automatically create the first markup Creates the first markup automatically at the time of review creation.

    By default, this check box is cleared.

    Table 2. Markup
    Option Description
    Display markup creation dialog Displays or hides the markup creation dialog box.

    By default, this check box is selected.

    Automatically create the first slide Creates the first slide under the markup automatically, at the time of markup creation.

    By default, this check box is selected.

    Table 3. Slide
    Option Description
    Name slide from selected feature Names the newly created slide after the name of the annotation feature pointing to the new slide.

    By default, this check box is selected.

    Display slide title Displays or hides the slide names from their thumbnails.

    By default, this check box is cleared.

    Table 4. Handles
    Option Description
    Grid Spacing Activates the manipulation grid and lets you change the grid step.

    By default, this check box is selected and the grid step value is 1mm on screen.

    Note: The unit for grid spacing changes according to the selected length unit preference.
    Rotation Snapping Activates or deactivates the rotation snapping. This can be done by pressing Shift as well.

    By default, this check box is selected and the snap angle is 90 deg.

    Note: The unit for grid spacing changes according to the selected angle unit preference.
    Table 5. Markers
    Option Description
    Validated marker headline Specifies the headline text to use for the "Validated" markers. This change is taken into account next time you create a "Validated" marker.

    By default, the headline text is "Validated".

    Rejected marker headline Specifies the headline text to use for the "Rejected" markers. This change is taken into account next time you create a "Rejected" marker.

    By default, the headline text is "Rejected".

    Table 6. Measure
    Option Description
    Remove previous non-persistent measure Removes the previously created non persistent measurements whenever the next measure is created.

    By default, this check box is cleared.

    Table 7. Measure: Main value display
    Measure Measure type Unit
    Coordinates No Yes
    Length (Line) No Yes
    Length (Curve) Yes Yes
    Length (Arc) Yes Yes
    Distance No Yes
    Minimum Distance No Yes
    Maximum Distance Yes Yes
    Angle No Yes
    Half angle No Yes
    Radius No Yes
    Minimum Radius No Yes
    Maximum Radius No Yes
    Diameter No Yes
    Minimum Diameter No Yes
    Maximum Diameter No Yes
    Area Yes Yes
    Volume Yes Yes
    Thickness No Yes
    Table 8. Section
    Option Description
    Compute contour Lets you decide whether to compute the contour while creating a new section.

    By default, this option is cleared.

    Table 9. Interferences
    Option Description
    Load Interference Simulation with The preferences to open the interference simulation.
    • Its product context: Select this option to open the complete product with filters or partially loaded objects. Thus, some interferences might be missing.

      By default, this option is selected.

    • Interfering parts only: Select this option to open the interfering parts only instead of a complete product. Thus, ensures that all the interferences are opened.
    Note: The state of this preference is saved only when the markup is created inside a review.
    Interference Display The preferences to display the interferences as per system status (Clash or Contact), quantifiers, and apply colors on interfering parts.
    • Geometries
      • None: Select this option to avoid computation of any interference geometry.
      • Main interference type: Select this option to display interference geometries corresponding to the interference system status.

        When you select this option, no geometries are displayed for clearances.

    • Quantifiers:
      • Penetration volume: Select this check box to display the penetration volume if computed.
      • Penetration vector: Select this check box to display the penetration vector and the penetration depth value in the work area.
      • Minimum distance: Select this check box to display the minimum distance in the work area.
    • Color Overloading:
      • Color according to instance: Select this option to apply colors to each interfering part. By default, the following colors are applied:

        : Indicates first instance

        : Indicates second instance

      • Color according to interference: Select this option to apply colors to the interfering parts based on the system status (clash, contact, and clearance).
        • : Represents clashes
        • : Represents contacts
        • : Represents clearances
    Table 10. Compare
    Option Description
    Color of the first item Lets you select the color of the first object in the comparison result.

    By default, Red () is selected.

    Color of the second item Lets you select the color of the second object in the comparison result.

    By default, Green () is selected.

    Color of common items for 3D comparison Lets you select the color of common items for 3D comparison.

    By default, Gray () is selected.

    Color of common items for 2D comparison Lets you select the color of common items for 2D comparison.

    By default, Black () is selected.

    Table 11. Move
    Option Description
    First assembly level If this option is selected, the first assembly level is moved by default.
    Leaf part If this option is selected, the leaf part is moved by default.

    By default, this option is selected.

    Table 12. Annotation Sets
    Option Description
    Convert white to black when retrieving annotation representations Converts white annotations to black ones. For more information, see 3D Annotation Insight for Dashboard User's Guide: Refreshing Data
    Automatically retrieve ARM annotations Automatically retrieves ARM annotation sets located in CATParts instantiated under root products.

    When a CATPart is added as a root, its annotation set (an ARM or regular one) is always retrieved, even if Automatically retrieve ARM annotations is cleared.

    Display only captures Displays captures in the 3D view browser panel.
    Automatically update view and capture thumbnails Automatically updates the visualization of view and capture thumbnails. The update operation affects the background color defined by the chosen ambience. It also takes the current color of the 3D annotations into account. For more information, see 3D Annotation Insight for Dashboard User's Guide: Browsing Annotations.
    Keep selected features at capture display Keeps the selected technological features, visible in the capture.
    Note: If the selected technological features are highlighted or displayed depends on which row selection mode (Highlight selected features or Display only selected features) is selected.

    By default, this option is selected.

    Favourite Context Specifies if and how you want to open 3DShapes in favorite contexts, select one of these options:
    • Always open in favorite context: The system checks whether a favorite context is attached to the 3DShape. If a favorite context is retrieved, the root product of the favorite context is added, instead of the representation.
    • Check for favorite context:

      Confirm if you want to open the favorite context or not. If confirmed, the system checks whether a favorite context is attached to the 3DShape.

      By default, this option is selected.

    • Ignore favorite context: No favorite contexts are loaded, only 3D shape representations are available.

    For more information, see 3D Annotation Insight for Dashboard User's Guide: Opening a 3DShape in a Favorite Context.

    Attributes Specifies the types of attributes to be displayed in the Annotation and Attribute Filter panel.

    The following attribute types can be selected:

    • User Defined
    • Tolerances
    • Hyperlinks and Comments
    • Failure Modes
    • Requirements
    • Geometrical
    • Mechanical
    • Electrical
    • System 3D Architecture
    • Structure
    • Composites
    • Layered Product

    Table 13. Units
    Magnitude Unit Decimal place for read/write numbers Decimal place for read-only numbers
    Length Select one of the available units for length values.

    By default, millimeter (mm) is selected.

    By default, the default value is 3.

    By default, the default value is 3.

    Angle Select one of the available units for angle values.

    By default, degree (deg) is selected.

    By default, the default value is 3.

    By default, the default value is 3.

    Volume Select one of the available units for volume values.

    By default, millimeter3 (mm3) is selected.

    By default, the default value is 3.

    By default, the default value is 3.

    Area Select one of the available units for area values.

    By default, millimeter2 (mm2) is selected.

    By default, the default value is 3.

    By default, the default value is 3.

    Mass Select one of the available units for mass values.

    By default, kilogram (kg) is selected.

    By default, the default value is 3.

    By default, the default value is 3.

    Display trailing zeros: This check box controls the visibility of trailing zeros for all numeric values.

    By default, this check box is cleared.

    Table 14. Display
    Option Description
    Gravitational effects during navigation Controls whether to display the gravitational effects while manipulating the viewpoint.

    By default, this check box is cleared.

    Projection type Lets you select the projection type.

    Choose Parallel or Perspective.

    By default, Perspective is selected.

    Table 15. Selection
    Option Description
    Select 3D geometry inside the part, when available Lets you select the 3D geometries instead of 3D Parts or 3D Representations.

    By default, this check box is cleared.

    Note: If this check box is cleared, and if the user tries to select 3D Parts, and if there is no 3D part present, the 3D representation is selected.

    Select 2D geometry inside the view Lets you select the 2D geometries of the view.

    By default, this check box is cleared.

  3. Click Save to save the changes in the preferences.
  4. Optional: Click Reset to set the preferences to their default values.