About Loading Objects

Before starting the review process, you need to load the context for the review. There are a few things you need to know about loading data in Design Review for Dashboard and Design Validation.

This page discusses:

About Data

You can load the following types of data:

  • Parts
  • Products
  • Advanced filtered data
  • Reviews and highlights, created in the native or in the dashboard app, with one of the above data as the context

About Loading Reviews

  • When a review is loaded, the first slide in the first markup is applied.
  • When a highlight is loaded, the slide it is associated with is applied.
  • When a product P1 or a filter F1 (that is, a filter of product P1) is already loaded in the widget, you can load the following:
    • A review or a highlight with P1 or F1 as the context
    • Any advanced filter linked to the loaded product P1
    • Any other product or filter linked to another product
  • When a session already contains a review with a product P1 or a filter F1 as a context, you can load the following:
    • Any other product or a filter. They are not added as an additional context for the filter.
    • Any other review or a highlight with the same context (P1 or F1). The old review is saved before it is unloaded from the session.
  • For any other type of a data, the content of the widget remains unchanged and the new data is not loaded.

About Markups

If you open a markup created in native Design Review or Design Synthesis, the following applies:

  • The markup content is not editable.
  • You cannot add a slide to such markup.
  • Replies are displayed at the bottom. A Show more or Hide options are provided to control the number of visible thumbnails.
  • The details concerning the creators of the replies are not displayed.

When a Review Created in a Dashboard App is Opened in a Native App

A review created in Design Review for Dashboard or Design Validation can be opened and modified in a native app but the following features are impacted as mentioned below:

  • Markup: The markups created in the dashboard app are not readable in the native apps. But you can create a new markup in the same review, using the native app.
  • Highlights: Slides associated with a highlight, created in a dashboard app cannot be retrieved in a native app. Therefore the associated slides are not displayed or applied.

When a Markup Created in the Native App is Opened in a Dashboard App

  • The content of markups created in native apps cannot be edited in Design Review for Dashboard or Design Validation. Therefore all the commands and the options that can edit the contents of such markups are disabled.
  • The slides are displayed as they are displayed in the review experience of 3DPlay Web App.
  • When a native app markup slide is displayed (or a reply created under such markup), the option in the slide panel is not displayed. Furthermore, the Edit formats command in the slide panel's context menu is unavailable.
  • You cannot reorder the slides but you can add replies under them.
  • If a reply to a native markup slide is displayed, all the commands in the Markup section are available, except the slide and format creation commands.
  • When a reply is created in a native markup slide, all the native markup slide markers are duplicated inside the newly created reply. You cannot edit these duplicated slide markers, duplicated but you can delete them using the contextual command.