Refining Selection of Objects

You can refine a selection of objects in the data grid view through the selection of categories of objects.

Before you begin: Build a logical structure with logical references, which have implement links, proposed solutions, and documents attached.
  1. Select the required objects in the data grid view and select Refine Selection from the contextual menu.
  2. From Refine Selection panel, select one of the following categories.
    • Only structure Leaves option- Retains only the references without any child in the data grid view.
    • Only Key Architecture Components- Retains only the references that have architecture numbers.
    Implementing Retains the objects that have implement links.

    • By default, Structure Instances category is selected.
    • If a combined convergence state is not defined or active, Only Combined Convergence State Items option is grayed.
    • The selected categories are saved.

  3. Click Refine.

    Note: The selected categories are saved in the browser cache.

    The data grid view is updated.