Exporting Structured View Contents

You can export contents of a root logical reference displayed in the data grid contents in a CSV file.

Before you begin: You cannot export:
  • Attached documents.
  • Implement links.
  • Space assignments.

Apply a configuration filter before you to export a filtered structure. The exported logical structure is filtered according to the current filter applied in the app. It can be:

  • None (it is the case when no configuration context is defined.)
  • A Model Version
  • A Product Configuration
  • A saved Advanced Filter
  1. Open the required logical structure.
  2. From the identity card dropdown menu, select Export and select Structure.

    The Export window opens.
  3. You can perform the following actions from the Export window.

    • Enter the number of levels to be exported.
    • Select Export All Levels check box to export the entire logical structure. By default, it is selected.
    • Click Attributes to select the attributes to be exported.
      1. From the Select Attributes panel, select the check box to export the attribute.
      2. Click Save to go back to the Exportwindow.
      3. Click Cancel to revert the attributes selection.
    • Select Export Proposed Solution check box to export proposed solutions.
    • Select Export Specification Documents check box to export specification documents.
    • Enter a File Name.
    • To view how the spreadsheet looks before exporting it, click Preview Format and click Export.

  4. In the Export window, click Export.
    The spreadsheet in .csv format is generated and saved in Downloads directory.
    Notes: Save the applied advanced filter before export operation or an error is displayed.

    The details of a .csv file are as follows.

    • Header Section- The header section is displayed in the first (information type) and second (value) columns. The rows are in the following order.
      • Export Format Version
      • Exported By
      • Applied Product Configuration- The value is similar to the value displayed in the identity card.
      • Advanced filter title- if a saved advanced filter is applied.
      • Number of Exported Levels
      • Export Proposed Solutions
      • Number of exported Items - The number of rows in contents section.
      • Number of exported Logical instances in Structure - Number of rows with number in Level Column (root is counted as one).
      • Number of exported Proposed Solutions- The number of rows with SOL in Level Column
      • Number of exported Specifications Documents: The number of rows with SPD in Level Column.
    • Content Section- The content section starts by column headers row and is continued by all data rows. The columns are in the following order.
      • Row order- As order of row is important to define a parent/ child relation, this column prevents potential loss of information while sorting rows.
      • Level- The levels shows the following information.
        • A Number- If a row corresponds to a Logical instance Reference in the structure.
          • 0 if it is the root (no instance in this case).
          • n for an instance of level n in the structure. This row is the child of the reference located on the first above row of level (n-1) in a .csv file.
        • SOL- If the row corresponds to a Proposed Solution This Proposed solution is defined on a reference located on the first above row with a level equal to a figure.
        • SPD- If the row corresponds to a Specification document. This specification document is defined on a reference located on the first above row with a level equal to a figure.
    • Title and all other exported attributes in the order defined in the Export panel.