Using Convergence States

You can define convergence states to help the user understand the potential updates or the actions required on logical references using predefined criteria.

This task shows you how to:

Define Active Convergence State

You can decide the severity of the convergence state. The activated convergence state and their severities are saved per user (By User/By server).

  1. From the identity card, click .
    The Welcome panel opens.
  2. Click Manage Convergence.
    The Manage Convergence dialog box appears with the following convergence state.
    Convergence State Name Description
    Not Implementing Any Discipline Logical Instance A convergence state is displayed if the logical reference instance of the row does not implement any logical instance.
    Not Implemented by Any Physical Product Instance A convergence state is displayed if the physical instance does not implement the logical instance of the row.
    Represented in one or more Schemas A convergence state is displayed if an architecture item has at least one Discipline definition (displayed under Is Implementing node) which is represented in at least one schema. In Report Panel, Details related to this cue category include:
    • Discipline definition
    • Parent discipline system
    • Sheet in which a discipline definition is represented.
    • Layout of the Sheet if any
    More Recent Matured Revision of Solution A convergence state is displayed if the logical reference of the row has one or more proposed solutions that have more recent matured revision.
    More Than One Proposed Solution A convergence state is displayed if the logical reference of the row has two or more defined proposed solutions.
    No Proposed Solution A convergence state is displayed if the logical reference of the row has no defined proposed solutions.
    More Than One Space Assignment A convergence state is displayed if the logical reference of the row has more than one target space ( i.e. more than one connection to a Design Space Reference).
    No Space Assignment A convergence state is displayed if the logical reference of the row has no space assigned.
  3. Select a check box corresponding to the convergence state that you want to define as an active convergence state.
  4. Select a severity for the convergence state.

    Select one of the following severities.

    • Critical
    • Error
    • Warning
    • Info

  5. Click Save.

Combine Convergence States

You can combine the results of the computed cues. The data grid view displays combined convergence state results and useful for sorting.

  1. From Manage Convergence panel, select the required cues and set severity.
  2. Select Combined Convergence State check box and click icon.
  3. From Combined Convergence State Definition panel, select the operator condition AND or OR and define the contribution for the cues by selecting one of the following options.
    • Yes
    • No
    • Ignore- Neglects the cue for combined computation. It is the default selected value.
  4. Click Save. The cues, its respective severity, and combined convergence state definition are saved in user preferences.
    The Combined Convergence State Definition panel is closed and a success message is displayed.

Compute Convergence State

You can compute the convergence state of a logical reference and instance.

  1. Open a logical reference from the home page.
  2. Select the required rows for which you want to compute convergence states.
  3. Click Convergence and select Compute Convergence State.
    The convergence state is computed for the selected rows and the convergence state is displayed in the Convergence State column.
    Severity Description
    Critical The severity alert is shown with a brown symbol.
    Error The severity alert is shown with symbol.
    Warning The severity alert is shown with symbol.
    Info The severity alert is shown with symbol.
    Combined The severity alert is shown with symbol.
    • In the Convergence State column, convergence states can be filtered and sorted.
    • In the Convergence State column, severities are displayed in the following order.
      • Combined
      • Critical
      • Error
      • Warning
    • If combined convergence state is identified and only symbol is displayed, an individual cue severity icon is ignored.
  4. To remove the convergence state from the selected row, click Convergence State and select Clear Convergence States.
    The success message is displayed and the convergence state is removed from the selected row.

View Details and Resolve Convergence States

You can resolve the severity issues from the selected rows.

  1. From the Convergence State column, click the evaluated convergence state icon.

    Note: Hover over the convergence state to view the number of validation failed convergence state for the row and total count for all computed convergence states.

    The Details on Convergence State panel appears.
  2. Click the action link (blue) which is displayed in convergence state.

    Note: You can drag an object (blue) onto other app.

    The link starts the command enabling convergence state issue resolution.
  3. Close the panel.

Export Convergence States

You can export convergence states result for the selected rows

  1. In the data grid view, select the required instances and click Convergence State > Export Convergence States.

    Note: The following messages are displayed depending on the selection of instances in the grid view.
    • More than 20 instances- Download will start in a short while.
    • For computed convergence states- Export will be done on latest data and may vary from the computed result.

  2. The ExportConvergenceCues_LocalDateTime.xlsx file is downloaded. The following table explains the tabs from the file.

    Tabs Description
    Cues Summary This tab shows the following information.
    • Cues Export Version- The version of the convergence cues export that can be used while comparing export results.
    • Cues Selected-The details about the list of cues selected in Manage Convergence panel.
      • Cue Label
      • Severity
      • Sheet Name- The cue details with the connected objects information.
      • Number of detected rows.
    • Combined Convergence State Definition
    • Global Status- The table provides the global status of the cue computation rows.
    Rows Summary Displays summary of each instance cue computation status.
    Combined Convergence Displays summary of combined convergence states.
    CU-X (Cue Details) It is generated using cue report panel logic.
    • In a cue report panel, if drag and drop / information object exists then only a separate tab is available for the cue.
    • If a cue failed instance row does not have the object details in the cue report panel then a separate tab is not available.