Opening Logical Reference

You can open a logical reference and view its details.

This task shows you how to:

Open a Logical Reference from Search Result

  1. In the global search bar, enter the search criteria and click Search.
    The search results appear.
  2. Drag the required logical reference from the search results to the drop zone in Logical Product Definition.
    The logical reference opens as a root.

Open a Logical Reference from Another Widget

You can drop the logical reference you want to open from any widget, in Logical Product Definition. A drop zone is dynamically displayed.

The logical reference is opened as root in the Grid View.

Open a Logical Reference with an Associated Model

You can drop a logical reference associated with a model from any widget.

  1. In the Select Configuration dialog box, select a particular Model Version and Product Configuration combination to filter the list of instances under the dropped logical reference.
  2. To choose a model version, enter a value for the name of the model version in the field.
    Corresponding model versions under the Model are listed.
    Note: Enter minimum three letters.
  3. Select a model version.
    checkbox proposes to Work under Evolution of the chosen model version. Therefore, changes done are effective for the display Model version only.
    Note: This is the default and recommended option. If the box is cleared, you can afterward attach a Work under Evolution.
  4. To choose a product configuration, enter a value for the product configuration.
  5. Select a product configuration in the list.

Open a Logical Reference as Root

You can make a logical reference displayed in the grid view, the new root logical reference.

Right-click the logical instance and select Open.
The logical reference becomes the new root.
Note: You can return to previous root logical reference by clicking back arrow in the ID card.

Select Another Logical Reference Revision

You can open a different revision of a logical reference.

  1. In the logical reference ID card, click the revision number, next to the name of the logical reference.
  2. In the Revision Explorer, click the down arrow in the revision you want to open and click Open in the list.
    The revision of the selected logical reference opens.