Mapping Attributes (On Premises)

You can transfer a value of attributes from Solid Edge® to 3DEXPERIENCE and vice versa while saving a Solid Edge® component or an assembly to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. You can use MQL commands to map the attributes.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin:
  • Login to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
You can view the default attributes as below that are mapped by GCO.
  • MCADInteg-CADToMxAttribMapping

    mod bus SolidEdgeUPS-UPSGlobalConfig SolidEdgeUPS TEAM MCADInteg-CADToMxAttribMapping


    assemblyFamily,$$Comments$$| XCADModelRepReference,V_description

    assemblyInstance,$$Comments$$| VPMReference,V_description




  • MCADInteg-MxToCADAttribMapping

    mod bus SolidEdgeUPS-UPSGlobalConfig SolidEdgeUPS TEAM MCADInteg-MxToCADAttribMapping






Note: You can create custom attributes both at CAD side and 3DEXPERIENCE side and map them.

Map System Attributes

  1. Open a part in Solid Edge®.
  2. Click Properties from File and click Summary.
  3. Assign a value to an attribute.

    For example, enter Design Part in the text box provided against the attribute Comments

    component,$$Comments$$|VPMReference, V_Description

    In MQL, mod bus SolidEdgeUPS-UPSGlobalConfig SolidEdgeUPS TEAM MCADInteg-CADToMxAttribMapping component,$$Comments$$|VPMReference, V_Description


Note: If you have used system (in case of 3DEXPERIENCE) or summary (in case of Solid Edge®) attributes, envelop them by $$ for correct identification.

For example, $$Comments$$, $$Author$$

Map Custom Attributes

You can transfer value of attributes from Solid Edge® to 3DEXPERIENCE and vice versa with the use of attribute mapping.


From Solid Edge® to 3DEXPERIENCE

  1. At CAD side, create an Solid Edge® component and click Custom from iProperties tab.
  2. Add a custom attribute and assign a value.

    For example, assign a value to AttrName attribute.

  3. Add the attribute mapping to the object with following object identification,

    Type: Solid Edge®UPS-GlobalConfig

    Name: Solid Edge® (UPS)

    Revision: TEAM

    Attribute to be updated: MCADInteg-CADToMxAttribMapping


    • For by default attributes: CAD Type,CAD AttrName|3DEXPERIENCE Type,3DEXPERIENCE AttrName
    • For user-defined extension attributes: CAD Type,CAD AttrName|3DEXPERIENCE Type,Ext(<package>/<extension>).<3DEXPERIENCE AttrName>

    Example(by default): assemblyInstance,Description|VPMReference,V_description

    Example(user-defined extension attributes): assemblyInstance,SWAttr1|VPMReference,Ext(OtbIRPCConfiguration/XP_VPMReference_Ext).CustoAttr1

    CustoAttr1 is the user-defined extension attribute added on type VPMReference.

From 3DEXPERIENCE to Solid Edge®

Add the attribute mapping to the object with following object identification,

Type: Solid Edge®UPS-GlobalConfig

Name: Solid Edge® (UPS)

Revision: TEAM

Attribute to be updated: MCADInteg-MxToCADAttribMapping


  • For by default attributes: 3DEXPERIENCE Type,3DEXPERIENCE AttrName|CAD Type,CAD AttrName
  • For user-defined extension attributes: 3DEXPERIENCE Type,Ext(<package>/<extension>).<3DEXPERIENCE AttrName>|CAD Type,CAD AttrName

Example(by default): VPMReference,V_description|assemblyInstance,Description

Example(user-defined extension attributes): VPMReference,Ext(OtbIRPCConfiguration/XP_VPMReference_Ext).CustoAttr1|assemblyInstance,SWAttr1

CustoAttr1 is the user-defined extension attribute added on type VPMReference.

Map One Attribute to Many Attributes

You can map attribute from Solid Edge® to many attributes from 3DEXPERIENCE.

  1. Open Solid Edge® component in 3DEXPERIENCE.
  2. Enter the MQL command;

    mod bus SolidEdgeUPS-UPSGlobalConfig SolidEdgeUPS TEAM MCADInteg-CADToMxAttribMapping "component,$$Comments$$|VPMReference,V_description component,$$Comments$$|VPMReference,V_versionComment";

    mod bus SolidEdgeUPS-UPSGlobalConfig SolidEdgeUPS TEAM MCADInteg-MxToCADAttribMapping"VPMReference,V_description| component,$$Comments$$ VPMReference,V_versionComment|component,$$Comments$$";