Map System Attributes
For example, $$Comments$$, $$Author$$
You can create custom attributes both at CAD side and 3DEXPERIENCE side and map them.
Map System AttributesNote:
If you have used system (in case of 3DEXPERIENCE) or summary (in case of Solid Edge®) attributes, envelop them by $$ for correct identification.
For example, Map Custom AttributesYou can transfer value of attributes from Solid Edge® to 3DEXPERIENCE and vice versa with the use of attribute mapping. Context: From Solid Edge® to 3DEXPERIENCE From 3DEXPERIENCE to Solid Edge® Add the attribute mapping to the object with following object identification, Type: Solid Edge®UPS-GlobalConfig Name: Solid Edge® (UPS) Revision: TEAM Attribute to be updated: Syntax:
Example(by default):
Example(user-defined extension attributes):
CustoAttr1 is the user-defined extension attribute added on type VPMReference. Map One Attribute to Many AttributesYou can map attribute from Solid Edge® to many attributes from 3DEXPERIENCE. |