Navigate to .
The Physical Product attribute creation page
Click + in right corner of the page.
The Add Attribute dialog box appears.
In the Add Attribute dialog box, enter the required values and
click OK.
From the Physical Product page, click
The attribute is successfully added to the physical product types
Navigate to and select Solid Edge® icon .
Mapping is allowed only for component, assembly (family item), assembly, and,
Click + in the required section.
The Add Mapping Attribute for Physical Product dialog box
opens. You can perform following actions.
- Physical Product attribute field contains a dropdown where
all created custom attribute are seen.
- CAD attribute field is empty unless any custom attribute is
selected in the above point.
- From Side, you can select Both (by
default selected), Physical product to Component, or
Component to Physical Product option.
Click Apply.
Successful mappping for the attribute is created.