When you select a change action for an object, you can track the modifications performed on
the object. You can view various objects that are associated with a change action under Change Manager app.
You must have CHG - Change management role to access the change action
You can perform the following authoring operations in the change action while working in a
Solid Edge® session:
- File creation
- Save As new Revision
- Add child in assembly
- Delete child in assembly
- Replace by Revision
- Revise
- Change Status
- Delete of configuration
- Modify
- Revise
- If you exit Solid Edge® and restart it, you can work on the same action as before. If you want to stop
working on the same action, you must deactivate that action.
- You can select only one change action per Solid Edge® session.
- You can use change action from Product Structure Editor web app.
- You cannot use Evolution option under
- The change action is not affected when you open Solid Edge® data that is in session, from Product Structure Editor.