
You can view, open, and, save the contents of Solid Edge® in the 3DEXPERIENCE from MySession app. The MySession app displays a tree view of the active content of the Solid Edge® and a list of commands that you can access through the action bar and the context menu. This topic describes:

This page discusses:


The Preference page displays the information about the collaborative space and the tenant you are using. The two options on this page are:

  • Credentials : This option displays the title of the collaboarative space that you have logged into. You can select the required security context without logging out or closing the active session. The collaborative space from the selected security context can be seen at the top of MySession panel .
  • 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: This option displays the tenant name to which you are connected.

Column Headers

The following columns are displayed in the MySession app.

Column Name Description
Title Displays the name of the family without the file extension. Click to expand the structure of these objects.
Note: The value of the title displayed in MySession widget may not be the same as the title displayed in other widgets in the 3DEXPERIENCE. The title displays the same name as in the feature tree.
Revision Displays the revision of the object.
Status Displays an icon that represents the status of the given revision of the object in the 3DEXPERIENCE. The statuses are represented by the following icons:
  • : The object is new in the Solid Edge® session and does not exist in the 3DEXPERIENCE.
  • : The object exists in the 3DEXPERIENCE and has been modified after downloading from the 3DEXPERIENCE.
  • : The object is in the 3DEXPERIENCE and is not modified after downloading it from the3DEXPERIENCE.
Lock Status Displays the reservation status of the object. This column is empty if the object does not exist in the 3DEXPERIENCE. The reservation status is represented by the following icons:
  • : Locked by you
  • : Locked by another user
  • : Not locked
  • No icon: The object has no lock status as the object has not been saved in the 3DEXPERIENCE yet.
Maturity State Displays the lifecycle of the object.
File Name Displays the file name with extension.
Name Displays the PLM external ID of the object
Type Displays the string of the objects that is if the object is a product or a drawing.
  • Drag the columns to reorder.
  • To view the hidden columns, click Customize View in the Tools section of the action bar or right-click the tree view and select the column name.
  • Click a column header to sort a tree item as per the column and double-click a column to reverse the order.
  • To resize the width of a column, drag the separator or right-click the tree view.

Tree Content

The tree displays the content of the active Solid Edge® session. All structures are expanded by default.

Objects Description
SLE Drawing File The Solid Edge® feature tree and the MySession app displays the drawing with its child parts.
  • You can directly select the rows in the tree from the MySession app.
  • You can select multiple lines as follows:
    1. Add the row to the selection by CTRL-click.
    2. Add the range of rows to the selection by SHIFT-click.
  • You can select an entire row by clicking any cell of the row.

Contextual Menu

You can work on the contents of Solid Edge® using the right-click menu in the tree from the MySession app.

The right-click menu contains the below commands:

Action Description
Expand all Expands multiple objects to display the respective child parts.
Collapse all Hides child parts of multiple objects.
Save Opens the save dialog box to save selected objects.
Lock Locks the selected object.
Unlock Removes the reservation of the selected object.
Reload from Server Updates the selected revision in a session with the latest version of the existing revision that exists in the 3DEXPERIENCE.
Replace by Revision Opens the Replace by Revision dialog box to replace the revision that is open in session. For more information, see Replacing a Revision.
Maturity Promotes or demotes the selected objects.
New Revision Creates new revision of the selected object on the server and refreshes local information to reflect the new revision.
  • From the context-menu when you click Replace Content , a warning message is displayed as it is not yet implemented.
  • The Expand All and Collapse All are displayed if you do not refer the leaf node of the selected object.
  • When you select multiple objects, the following commands are displayed:
    • Expand all.
    • Collapse all.
    • Save
    • Lifecycle
      • Lock
      • Unlock

Action Bar

You can also use the action bar to work with the contents of Solid Edge®. You can perform following actions from the action bar.

Action Description
New From Template Creates a new file from the template already saved to the 3DEXPERIENCE. For more information see, Creating New from Template.
Manage Templates Allows you to create, edit, or delete the template. For more information see, Managing Templates.
Manage Local Files Displays the local workspace files in the Manage Local Files dialog box . For more information see, Managing Local Files.
Insert Inserts data that is saved in 3DEXPERIENCE to the currently open CAD Document (Assembly).

The following data types can be inserted.

  • Part
  • Assembly
  • Assembly Factory
  • Assembly Instance

Note: By default, all the parts and assemblies selected for insert are added at the base location i.e 0.

Save Active Window

The Save Active Window command lets you save the files in the 3DEXPERIENCE. When you click Save Active Window, a dialog box appears where you can select the objects from the list and save them in the 3DEXPERIENCE. For more information, see Save Dialog Box.


Action Description
Reload from Server Updates the selected revision in a session with the latest version of the existing revision that exists in the 3DEXPERIENCE.
Replace by Revision Replace the selected object with another revision.
Maturity Promotes or demotes the selected object.
New Revision Creates new revision of the selected object on the server and refreshes local information to reflect the new revision.
Change Owner Changes the object owner.
Move Moves the object to a different
Lock Reserves the selected object.
Unlock Removes the reservation of the selected object.


Action Description
Expand Expands the selected object to display its child parts.
Note: Expand contains a flyout for multiple expansions of objects.
Select Selects an object. You can click Select while selecting multiple objects.
Note: When you click Properties, a warning message is displayed as it is not yet implemented.


Action Description
Print with Print options Displays print options for the selected object.
Export with Export options Displays export options for the selected object.
Customize View Displays view customization options for the selected object.
Related Objects Displays related objects for the selected object.
Replace Content Replaces an assembly or a part in Solid Edge® with another assembly or a part.
Note: The selected part or assembly should be a leaf node.

  • When you open, close, or activate an Solid Edge® session, the MySession app is refreshed.
  • If you select an object in Solid Edge®, its corresponding node is highlighted in MySession app but if you select a node in MySession app, the highlighted part is not activated.
  • The Properties command is not activated.
  • You can view the list of Weldment and its referenced components like sheetmetal or simple part or assembly in MySession.
  • The MySession displays the following:
    • For derived components- derived component and its referenced base component.
    • For circular external reference link-part and its context Assembly

    The Solid Edge® supports the save, open, and revise operations of derived components and circular external reference link.