Opening Data from the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform

You can open Solid Edge® assemblies, components, and drawings from 3DSearch and Bookmark Editor.

This task shows you how to:

Open from 3DSearch

You can open objects in 3DEXPERIENCE from 3DSearch.

  1. In the Search tab, enter the object name and click .

    The search results appear.

  2. Right-click the required object and select Open.

The object is opened.

Note: You can open only one object from 3DSearch.

Open from Bookmark Editor

You can open objects in 3DEXPERIENCE from Bookmark Editor.

  1. Browse and select an object using Bookmark Editor.
  2. Right-click the object and click Open.

The object opens in Solid Edge®.

Open from Product Explorer

You can open objects in 3DEXPERIENCE using Product Explorer.

  1. Enter the object name in the Search tab and click .
  2. Click the displayed object and click dashboard Menu .
  3. Select Open With.
  4. Select Product Explorer.

The object is opened in Product Explorer.

Open from Product Structure Editor

You can open objects in 3DEXPERIENCE using Product Structure Editor.

  1. Enter an object name in the Search tab and click search .
  2. Select the displayed object and click dashboard Menu .
  3. Select Open With.
  4. Select Product Structure Editor from the displayed list of app.

The object is opened in Product Structure Editor.

Open from Relations

You can open and view the relation of objects in 3DEXPERIENCE using Relations.

  1. Enter an object name in the Search tab and click search .
  2. Select a displayed object and click dashboardMenu .
  3. Select Related Objects.

The object is opened and you can view the relationship of the object with the bookmark.

Open from 3DCompass

You can open Solid Edge® data from 3DCompass.

  1. Activate the Design with Solid Edge and 3D Component Designer licenses.
  2. Search for an already uploaded Solid Edge® data in the 3DEXPERIENCE.
  3. Select the searched data.
  4. Click Solid Edge® connector from the west quadrant of the 3DCompass.
    The Solid Edge® data is opened.
    • In case the Solid Edge® is already opened, the 3DCompass connects the already opened Solid Edge® session to the 3DEXPERIENCE.
    • If you install more than one Solid Edge® on your system, the system starts the latest supported installed version of Solid Edge®.