Global Configuration Object SettingsTo use CGR files in other 3DEXPERIENCE apps, the following Global Configuration Object (GCO) parameters must be specified before attempted CGR creation during a Save operation. To modify the GCO using the MQL command prompt in an on-premises environment, you must have the privileges of an Integration Administrator.
ProEDerivedOutputOptionsThese variables directly control the accuracy of the tessellation of the native Creo Parametric file for subsequent creation of the CGR file. The tighter the sag values, the greater the accuracy of the CGR file. However, as the tolerance increases, the time required for calculating the CGR and subsequent storage in 3DEXPERIENCE also increases. The units of the GCO variable ProEDerivedOutputOptions are in MM regardless of the Creo Parametric session units. In addition, the CGR generated and stored in 3DEXPERIENCE is also in MM units. |