Configuration Settings.ini

This section shows you how to configure the settings.ini of Design with NX.

The file is in <3DEXPERIENCE NX Integration Install>\bin\settings.ini.

This page discusses:

General Section

Setting Description
cachingInCheckin = 1 Cache the object details during checkin. 0: disabled, 1: enabled
checkForNewNonSelectableChild = 0
  • Indicates whether or not to mark an object unselectable for Save if the object has any new children that are unselectable.
    Note: Use this behavior for first-level children. This setting indicates whether or not a recursive verification is made for lower-level children that are new and not selectable.
  • 0 indicates that no such verification is required (default).
  • 1 indicates that a parent is not selectable in the Save dialog if it has unselectable children.
fullModelLoadOnSave = 0 Ignores partial load option and fully load models into memory. (Use 1 to fully load and 0 to keep CAD default).
progressdialogs = 1 Shows progress dialogs. (Use 0 to disable and 1 to enable).
showMessages = 1 Messages to show user. (Use 0 to disable and 1 to enable).
SSOEnabled = 0 SSO status. (Use 0 to disable and 1 to enable).
view_for_image_generation = <View orientation for JPEG generation>; Set the view appropriate for JPEG generation.
wdf_file = <wdf file path>; The .wdf file to define custom widths for PDF derived output.
defaultCheckoutDirectory Defines the default working directory at the time of login.
Iterations_cache_path Defines the path of the Network Cache folder for managing iterations.

Server Section

Setting Description
appletLogLevel = 4 Log level for the harness applet.
connectToServerTime = 15 Number of seconds to keep trying to log in to the JSP before timeout.
waitToConnectSocketTime = 2 Delay time between connecting (socket) and login.

Debug Section

Setting Description
debugPrintLog = 0 For debugging purposes only to generate integration log files. (Use 0 to disable and 1 to enable).
debugPrints = 0 For debugging purposes only. Prints some basic logs. (Use 0 to disable and 1 to enable).
extendedDebugPrints = 0 For debugging purposes only. Prints extensive information to the log file for the investigation of issues. (Use 0 to disable and 1 to enable).
debugPrintTime = 0 Add Time statements to all the logging outputs. (Use 0 to disable and 1 to enable).