The Global Configuration Object

The Design with NX is one of the suites of Unified X-CAD Design-based integrations designed to use with 3DEXPERIENCE apps such as Engineering BOM Management. All Unified X-CAD Design-based integrations are configurable through an object called the Global Configuration Object.

The base type is MCADInteg-GlobalConfig. Design with NX also creates a subtype called NXUPS-GlobalCofig because Design with NX adds its own specific attributes specific to itself. It typically has the name NXUPS with a revision of TEAM. The Global Configuration Object has the following attributes:

This page discusses:

MCADInteg-BusTypeMapping: (Multiline String)

This maps the business types from Unigraphics to 3DEXPERIENCE. The types on the left side of the separator (|) cannot change, but the 3DEXPERIENCE types they map to are modifiable.

Default Values:


MCADInteg-CADToLRDAttribMapping: (Multiline String)

This is the Unigraphics to 3DEXPERIENCE LRD attribute mapping. It synchronizes attributes from Unigraphics to the 3DEXPERIENCE LRD (Local Recognition Directory) as well as the attribute synchronization operation during checkin.

The syntax for each attribute mapping from Unigraphics to 3DEXPERIENCE is: CADtype|filename.

The names of the valid Unigraphics types are the same ones the MCADInteg-BusTypeMapping attribute uses. Valid names for the supported Unigraphics types are: Component, Assembly, and Drawing.

Default Value:


MCADInteg-CADToMxAttribMapping: (Multiline String)

This is the Unigraphics to 3DEXPERIENCE attribute mapping. Use this for synchronizing attributes from Unigraphics to 3DEXPERIENCE as well as the attribute synchronization operation during check-in. The syntax for each attribute mapping from Unigraphics to 3DEXPERIENCE is the UG type,UG attribute|Matrix type,Matrix attribute.

All user-defined NX attributes are accessible to the Design with NX. In addition, the Design with NX can also access 3DEXPERIENCE system attributes (such as description) and user-defined attributes. Material attributes such as Mass, Density, Volume, etc. can also be mapped to update during the Save operation.

The names of the valid NX and 3DEXPERIENCE types are the same ones that appear in the MCADInteg-BusTypeMapping section. Valid names for the supported NX types are: Component, Assembly, and Drawing. The attributes specific to the mapping must exist in 3DEXPERIENCE and the attributes must be associated with the 3DEXPERIENCE types.

Below, is an example of mapping from Design with NX to 3DEXPERIENCE. This example maps the NX attribute (UG_DESCRIPTION) to 3DEXPERIENCE attributes for Parts, Assemblies, and Drawings.

Note: The Design with NX attribute names can be defined in any case (lowercase, upper case of camel case) in the mapping of the Global Configuration Object attribute MCADInteg-CADToMxAttribMapping. Design with NX will honor these names to transfer these attribute values during the Save operation.

Default Value: [blank]



MCADInteg-MxToCADAttribMapping: (Multiline String)

This is used for synchronizing attributes from 3DEXPERIENCE to NX during the Open operation.


MCADInteg-UpdateAttribMapping: (Multiline String)

This mapping is used to reflect the attributes in the Attribute Update dialog for you to be able to update attribute values for the designs shown in the Save Dialog.



This mapping is used for making the defined attributes as Mandatory during the Save operation.


MCADInteg-CADToMxRelAttribMapping: (Multiline String)

This is the NX to 3DEXPERIENCE attribute mappings for relationships.

Default Value: [blank]

MCADInteg-RelationShipClassMapping: (Multiline String)

This attribute classifies the relationships. As a rule, do not alter this attribute. This is a system level attribute that tells Unified X-CAD Design how to treat each relationship. The left side of each entry denotes the Design with NX-defined relationship and the right side denotes the class of the relationship.

The default value for the relationship classes is as follows:

Default Values:


MCADInteg-RelMapping: (Multiline String)

This attribute maps Design with NX-defined relationships to 3DEXPERIENCE relationships. The string on the left of the vertical line (|) is the Design with NX-defined relationship. The string on the right of the (|) is the 3DEXPERIENCE relationship; a comma-separated list of two entries. The second entry such as VPMInstance is the name of the corresponding relationship in 3DEXPERIENCE. The first entry indicates the direction of the arrowhead for the relationship, either to or from.

Default Values:


MCADInteg-TypeClassMapping: (Multiline String)

This is a system level attribute that defines the class for business types. Do not modify this attribute. This attribute has two entries separated by a vertical line (|). The entry on the left defines the class for the business types, while the entry on the right contains a comma-separated list of Design with NX types.

Default Values:


MCADInteg-TypeDerivedOutputMapping: (Multiline String)

This attribute contains the mapping between business types and Derived Output types. This mapping determines the type of the Derived Output object that the user wants to create for mapped business types. Each mapping contains two entries separated by a vertical line (|). The entry on the left is a business type in the Design with NX context, and the entry on the right contains one or more Derived Output types. If there are multiple Derived Output types, separate them with a comma.

Default Values:


MCADInteg-TypeFormatMapping: (Multiline String)

This attribute maps the Design with NX type to the 3DEXPERIENCE type and format. Each entry is a map of two strings separated by a vertical line (|). The string on the left is the Design with NX. The string on the right is the 3DEXPERIENCE type and its format.

For example, if the entry is component|VPMRefence,prt, then the components are checked into the .prt format.

Default Values:


MCADInteg-TypePolicyMapping: (Multiline String)

This attribute defines the policies to use for each type. Each entry is a map consisting of two strings divided with a vertical line (|). The left side of the | is the type and the right side is the policy that controls it.

Note: The types and policies must exist in 3DEXPERIENCE.

Default Values:


IEF-CADToMxMandatoryAttrMapping: (Multiline String):

This attribute defines the mapping of mandatory attributes from Unigraphics to 3DEXPERIENCE. Attribute mappings in this section are, by definition, required to be copied from Unigraphics to 3DEXPERIENCE on checkin. Also, define these Attribute mappings in the MCADInteg-CADToMxAttribMapping section.

Default Value:

#CADType|Enovia Attribute Name|Default Value

The default value shows the format in which the entry to this GCO setting is to be made:

  • CADType: The NX types such as component, assembly, part family, and drawing that 3DEXPERIENCE supports.
  • ENOVIA Attribute Name: The 3DEXPERIENCE attribute name associated with corresponding 3DEXPERIENCE types.
  • Default Value: This is an optional entry. You can assign a default value for a mandatory attribute.


#CADType|Enovia Attribute Name|Default Value
component|V_description|HEADER, PCB, FRICTION LOCK

UGMasterModelConceptFollowed: Boolean, Default Value: TRUE

This flag tells the Design with NX whether the users follows the NX Master Model concept when creating drawings and assemblies. The logic in determining whether an object is a drawing, a component, or an assembly is as follows:

If CadModel == "Model", then the 3DEXPERIENCE Object type is "Component"

If CadModel == "Assembly", then the 3DEXPERIENCE Object type is "Assembly
If CadModel == "Drawing" then
        if the "UGMasterModelConceptFollowed" is "true" and                                              "part has no children":
                         "part has no children".
                  3DEXPERIENCE Object Type is "Component"
                  3DEXPERIENCE Object Type is "Drawing"

You can override the determination of the object type by using the UGTypeOverrideAttributeName attribute.

UGTypeOverrideAttributeName: (String)

This is a Design with NX specific attribute that defines the name of the Unigraphics attribute. You can use this attribute to override the default logic of the app to determine if a Unigraphics' part file is a Part, Assembly, or Drawing.

The value of this attribute in the NX part files, if used, must be either Component, Assembly, or Drawing.

During check-in, the Design with NX looks for this part attribute in the NX part file to determine the type. If found in the NX Part file, this value overrides the logic defined by the UGMasterModelConceptFollowed attribute.

UGDerivedOutputOptions: (Multiline String)

This is an attribute specific to the Design with NX. This attribute defines the user-configurable options of image file generation. The syntax is:

Derived output|option=value,<option=value,…>

Default Value:


Note: Width and height are the x and y sizes, respectively, in the output image in pixels.

Delete_on_checkin specifies whether or not to delete the derived output file on successful completion of the checkin operation. If this is specified to Yes, the derived output file gets deleted on check-in. The No option does not delete the derived output file.

For the CGR derived output generation, the Spatial's module that generates the CGR uses the sag value. The sag value is a float value that enables the application to tessellate based on this value to have finer details of the design in the CGR file generated and improves the quality of the CGR. The lower the value, the better the quality. The default value is 0.0.

UGOPEN for NX3 does not support .plt files; thus, Design with NX for NX3 does not support them either.

As of NX3, the UGOPEN functions to generate CGM files changed. To control the generation of CGM with NX3 (and future versions), use cgm-nx3 derived output options. The legal values for color are as_displayed, part_colors, custom_palette, black_on_white, and legacy. The legal values for width are standard, single, custom_3, and custom_palette. When the width is defined as custom_palette, the PLM Collaboration Services are enhanced to load a custom .wdf file. This file defines the pen widths to be used in generating a PDF file from Drawing sheets.

The all_sheets function specifies whether or not to generate CGM files for all sheets or only the current sheet. With No as the default, the CGM files generate the current sheet. If you select Yes, a CGM file is generated for all sheets in the drawing file. When generating CGM for all sheets, append the sheet name to the filename along with an underscore to get the CGM file name. Thus, SHT1 in MYDRAWING.prt generates the CGM file MYDRAWING_SHT1.cgm. The all_sheets command is only supported for cgm_nx3 (and later versions of NX).

The bannerFlag function specifies whether the banner message needs to be put into the .pdf file. When enabling bannerFlag by defining its values as 1, (bannerFlag=1), it puts the banner message on the .pdf file by altering its size when compared to the drawing sheet size. To turn the banner message off on the generated .pdf file, disable the bannerFlag configuration by defining its value as zero (bannerFlag=0). This results in the generated .pdf matching the size of the drawing sheet.

For the CGR derived output, use a smaller number to tighten the tolerance, resulting in a larger file size. This enhances the quality display of the NX and CGR file. As you loosen the tolerance, the file size decreases, which decreases the display quality.

UGSuppressPatternElements: Boolean, Default Value: TRUE

This flag tells the Design with NX to suppress pattern elements. By default, the definition of the attribute is True, meaning to suppress pattern elements. The False value tells the Design with NX not to suppress the relationship from the part to the pattern master part. A MakeFrom relationship gets created from the part to the pattern master part. The result of True is that the pattern master parts do not appear in the Checkin dialog. To function as the Classic NXUPS integration did or to improve performance, use a value of True.

In addition to defining the UGSuppressPatternElements in the GCO to False, the environment variable UGII_PATDIR must indicate the location of the pattern elements. Without specifying this environment variable, Design with NX does not manage the pattern elements. If you do not define the UGII_PATDIR variable, then you must define the UGII_UTIL variable.

UGSuppressWaveLinkTypeChange: Boolean, Default Value: TRUE

This flag tells the Design with NX not to change the assembly type because of wave links. By default, the definition of this attribute is True, which tells the Design with NX to suppress the type change. Defining the attribute to False tells the Design with NX to change the type.

In UG wave links, you can use geometry to edit the geometry within the context of an assembly. The edits in the assembly do not appear in the base part. For example, if you create a solid model of a cast part (Cast.prt) and multiple assemblies use it (Assm1.prt and Assm2.prt), then the Assm1.prt and the solid model from Cast.prt is wave linked. You can edit the linked solid model from within Assm1.prt. Edits might be finishing the casting into a part or drilling holes. The finishing edits performed within Assem1.prt do not show up in Cast.prt or in Assm2.prt.

In the scenario above, the relationship between Assem1.prt and Cast.prt is a MakeFrom relationship; Assm1.prt is MadeFrom Cast.prt. When UGSuppressWaveLinkTypeChange=FALSE, the type of Assem1.prt changes to Component, not Assembly. This results in making the Component Assemb1.prt from the Component Cast.prt. If UGSuppressWaveLinkTypeChange=TRUE, then the type of Assem1.prt is Assembly.

The 3DEXPERIENCE type change of a UG assembly only occurs if the following criteria exists:

  • UGSuppressWaveLinkTypeChange=FALSE
  • parent assembly has only one child
  • parent has a PROMOTED, LINKED_BODY, or LINKED_MIRROR wave link to the child
In addition to the Component MakeFrom Component relationships, it is possible that Component MakeFrom Assembly relationships can happen also.

UGObjectLoadingInSession: String:

This attribute tells Design with NX how to handle the loading of objects into the Unigraphics session during the Save command. If an object and its children do not load in the session, it is impossible for Design with NX to gather the required information for the object to be selectable during the command.

Three Options:

DoNotLoadObjectsInSession – When performing this operation, objects do not load into the session. It is the user’s responsibility to load objects intended for the operation.

LoadObjectsInSession – This option loads all objects into the session where they remain after the operation.

TemporaryLoadLevel1ObjectsInSession – When performing an operation, all level 1 components of the active (displayed) model load into the session. Those objects not already presiding in the session are removed from the session after the completion of the command.

Default Value:


Note: The Design with NX can only load objects that exist in the user's search directories. Unless an object appears in the search directories, it cannot load into the session. Thus, the operation cannot be performed on the object or its parents.

UGMissingLinksWarning: Boolean, Default Value: FALSE:

This is an attribute specific to the Design with NX. The Design with NX notifies you of missing links corresponding to nonrequired relationships when you select checkin from the 3DEXPERIENCE menu. However, you can continue or cancel the checkin operation. If you choose to continue with the checkin operation, you have two options. Design with NX can either prevent those parent models with missing links from checkin selection or it can ignore the missing links and allow the selection of parent models for checkin. The GCO attribute UGUnloadedChildRelationshipExceptions controls this behavior.