Appendix: Customizing Data Models

Data Model Customization is a Compass app that is part of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform to enable the administrators to customize the schema; for example: custom attributes.

This topic explains how to create a custom attribute and associate it with a specific relation type to be able to map it from the Connector.

Before you begin:
  • User admin_platform must have the following license assigned to it:

    TXO: Customization and Specification Administrator.

  • Verify that the Data Model Customization product resides on the server. The Data and Behavior Administration entry must be available in the About page.

In the absence of these, even after assigning the license, though the Data Model Customization Product in the Compass is visible, not all the customization options are. For all customization options to be available, install the following media in the existing server.


  1. Select the Compass and open the Data Model Customization tool.
  2. Select Specialization Packages and select New to create a Specialization Package.
  3. Create a new package CustAttributePackage from the parent package as PRODUCTCFG.
  4. Provide the name and prefix for the package and select None.

    Note: This suffix gets attached to objects in the package.

  5. Select the package and deploy it.
    1. Confirm the deployment step and select OK.
  6. Select the package and open the Extensions tab.
  7. Create an extension for creating the custom attribute.
  8. Select the scope by selecting the VPMReference Type to whichever extension you plan on attaching it to.
  9. Select the extension name. Here CustAttributeExtension. The Attribute tab shows additional options.
  10. In the Attribute tab, select the New Simple option to create a new attribute. Set the type of attribute and its default value as False. Keep all of the other options with their default option. Select OK once all the settings are completed
  11. Deploy the package so that these attributes are available for use.
    1. Confirm the deployment step and select OK.
  12. Do Reload Cache\restart 3DSPACE tomcat (CAS and NO-CAS).
  13. Map the attribute in GCO as shown below:

    Note: The package name, extension name, and custom attribute name include the prefix given at the time of the package creation.

    GCO Attribute Value

  14. Log in to the Checkin of design to 3DEXPERIENCE using the integration.
  15. Check in the assembly with two components, add the NXTestAttribute on assembly and components, and perform the checkin.
    The NXTestAttribute attribute value of these CAD objects becomes updated to the UENCustAttributeName attribute on the corresponding VPMReference object in 3DEXPERIENCE.