Search Section

The Search section of the bom-settings.ini file defines settings for the part search dialog box.

Display Name Attribute Name Description Allowed Values
Part Search Criteria SearchCriteriaForm Specifies which webform will be used for displaying the part search criteria. When bringing up the Search Screen for searching Parts in 3DEXPERIENCE, the used webform defines what kind of search criteria is available to the user. Default: ECAD-CR5000-ComponentSearchForm
Part Search Details Table SearchDetailsTable This defines the table column definition used in the component search details table. When bringing up the part Search Screen for searching Parts in 3DEXPERIENCE, the used webform defines what kind of table column details are available to the user. Default: ECAD-CR5000-ENGPartSearchDetails
Search Limit SearchLimit The user can specify the default search limit which limits the number of objects retrieved during search.


Default: 500