Classification Summary

The Classification Summary dashboard displays charts and graphs with data related to Audit Metrics Reports.

Note: To display the Access Denials and Access Approvals, select the Record Denials and Record Approvals log from the Collaborative Spaces Configuration Center.

To access the Classification Summary, click Classification Summary from the navigation pane

To access the Classification Summary from a security library:

  1. Open the library. For more information, see Opening an IP Protection Library.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Classes.
  3. Click the Classification Summary tab.

To access the Classification Summary from a class or subclass:

  1. Open the class or subclass. For more information, see Opening a Security Class and Opening a Subclass.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Classified Items.
  3. Click the Classification Summary tab.

This page discusses:

Libraries, Classes, Subclasses

The pie chart displays data for the libraries, classes, and subclasses allowing you to view the activity in each. You can hover over the library title to view the number of classes connected to the library. You can click the library title to view the classes in the library. You can click the class title to view the subclasses in the class. The data charts for Classifications, Exceptions, Access Denials, and Access Approvals are updated with the data related to the libraries, classes, and subclasses. You can click Reset to return to the initial pie chart.


The Classifications panel provides a data chart and a line graph related to the classified items connected to the class and subclass.

You can click the number for each time period to view the table listing the classifications for that time period:

  • Older than a Month - displays the classifications that originated more than a month before.
  • Last Month - displays the classifications that originated last month.
  • Last Week - displays the classifications that originated last week.
  • This Week - displays the classifications that originated this week.
  • This Month - displays the classification that originated this month.

Column Name Description
Name The name of the classified item. You can click the name to open the classified item.
Title The title of the document or part.
Rev The number of revisions for the document or part.
Classification Path The security library and security class classification path with which the classified item is associated. You can click the hyperlink to open the security library or class.
Type The type of object: document, generic document, or part.
Description The description of the object.
State The current lifecycle state of the object.


The Exceptions panel provides a data chart and a line graph related to the number of exceptions connected to the class or subclass.

You can click the number for each time period to view the table listing the exceptions for that time period:

  • Older than a Month - displays the exceptions that originated more than a month before.
  • Last Month - displays the exceptions that originated last month.
  • Last Week - displays the exceptions that originated last week.
  • This Week - displays the exceptions that originated this week.
  • This Month - displays the exceptions that originated this month.

Column Name Description
Name The name of the object.
Type The type of object.
Description The description of the object.
Classification Path The classification in which the object belongs.
Class The class connected to the object.
Effective From The date the classification becomes effective.
Effective To The date the classification is no longer effective.
State The current lifecycle state of the object.
Owner The user currently responsible for the object.

Access Denials

The Access Denials panel provides a data chart and a line graph related to the number of access denials to the objects connected to the class or subclass. The Access Denials number is generated from attempts to access a document against a security rule.

You can click the number for each time period to view the table listing the access denials for that time period:
  • Older than a Month - displays the access denials that originated more than a month before.
  • Last Month - displays the access denials that originated last month.
  • Last Week - displays the access denials that originated last week.
  • This Week - displays the access denials that originated this week.
  • This Month - displays the access denials that originated this month.
Column Name Description
Record ID The id for the record.
Date The date of the access denial.
User The user who attempted to access a secure document.
Location The location of the user who attempted to access a secure document.
Action The type of action.
Action Details The details of the action.

Access Approvals

The Access Approvals panel provides a data chart and a line graph related to the number of access approvals to the objects connected to the class or subclass. The Access Approvals number is generated from attempts to access a document against a security rule.

You can click the number for each time period to view the table listing the access approvals for that time period:
  • Older than a Month - displays the access approvals that originated more than a month before.
  • Last Month - displays the access approvals that originated last month.
  • Last Week - displays the access approvals that originated last week.
  • This Week - displays the access approvals that originated this week.
  • This Month - displays the access approvals that originated this month.
Column Name Description
Record ID The id for the record.
Date The date of the access approval.
User The user who attempted to access a secure document.
Location The location of the user who attempted to access a secure document.
Action The type of action.
Action Details The details of the action.