About Export Control Logs

The IP Export Control Management app includes the ability to record ad hoc and/or accidental exports of secured information. These export events, such as teleconferences, face-to-face meetings, video conferences, email, etc. can be documented and forwarded to the appropriate security officer for resolution and mitigation as needed.

See Also
Export Control Logs
Creating Export Control Logs

Additionally, this app includes the ability to record and track export events for physical items as well. Shipments of hardware, software, and/or other materials can be recorded on forms such as the Shippers Export Declaration or the Automated Export System record. Finally the system records and creates logs of all transfers of data between locations. These logs include people, locations, data, dates, and time of the transfer/export.

The IP Export Control Management and the IP Controlled Access apps provide capabilities through policies to manage access to items accessible to the environment. And through the Federation technology, access can even be managed in extended environments beyond ENOVIA. However, many types of information and collaboration occur with communications outside of software, like phone calls. Since these types of activities may include information that is export-controlled, these interactions must be captured in some type of log that is suitable for report and audit as required.

With that use case in mind, this app includes actions to allow you to create logs of export events, as well as, search capabilities for the Export Control administrators to report the data as required by their agreements.

The process has been configured with minimal constraints and allows the collection of files associated to the export event, along with the participants, activity type, and time.